Jodtabletten store for preventive protection in a reactor accident?

Jodtabletten store for preventive protection in a reactor accident? / Health News
Jodtabletten debate in the context of a possible nuclear accident
If radioactive iodine has been released in a reactor disaster, iodine tablets provide some protection. The German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) advises against the iodine tablet debate in North Rhine-Westphalia urgently from a "precautionary" self-medication from.

Quick help with iodine? (Image: lassedesignen /

At the end of May, numerous media reported that North Rhine-Westphalia would buy precautionary iodine tablets for all pregnant women and minors in the country. They are to be distributed to them in a nuclear accident to protect against radiation damage to the thyroid gland.

The background of the measure is the Belgian nuclear power plants Tihange and Doel, which are considered to be susceptible to failure. However, the experts warn against the consequences of careless handling of the high-dose potassium iodide tablets: iodine in these extremely high doses can lead to disorders of the thyroid function such as an overactive thyroid, hyperthyroidism, palpitations, sweating, weight loss and high blood pressure.

Also, a Graves disease or chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) could be the result. No one should take high-dose Jodpreparate independently to protect against possible reactor accidents.

If a reactor accident has occurred, the authorities will promptly provide the appropriate information and recommendations for the use of iodine tablets. (Pm)