Jobcenter reduces Pregnant Hartz IV to zero

Jobcenter reduces Pregnant Hartz IV to zero / Health News

Jobcenter cuts pregnant Hartz IV set to zero


As reported by the Unemployed Forum Germany, the job center in Braunschweig has reduced the Hartz IV benefits of a pregnant woman by 100 percent for three months. According to the person concerned, she had refused a one-euro job, because this was due to the present pregnancy, health unreasonable. The Jobcenter, however, took a different view on this issue and reduced the unemployment benefit II rule rate to zero. It was also made clear that a reduction in the sanction period was out of the question because of a „Public interest“ there is.

The 22-year-old woman, who is four months pregnant, is supposed to travel once a week to the job center to pick up food coupons. The woman then requested travel expenses, since the way to the job center is 10 km. Also, the assumption of travel costs declined the job center. The woman could walk, as they said. In addition, the job center refuses to pay the doctor's fee, as well as a takeover of drug costs are out of the question. But that's not all, as well as the additional requirements for pregnant women, which is enshrined in SGB II, has not been paid since January 1, 2011.

The Unemployed Forum Germany was affected: „We have already experienced some bad things related to sanctions. The behavior of Job Center Braunschweig tops everything.“ At a hearing, Job Center staff could have seen for themselves how bad the woman's state of health is, said a spokesperson for the initiative. Nevertheless, the sanction is upheld. The Jobless Forum has now filed a lawyer for the person concerned. It is assumed that the competent social court declares the sanction unlawful and repeals it. (Sb)

Picture: Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt