Health News - Page 110

Werther effects after suicide by Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington

Linkin Park singer Chester BenningtonThe Foundation German Depressionshilfe regrets the death of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington. First reports are...

Are we really going to get overweight overweight in old age?

Is it really harder in old age to get rid of overweight??It is not uncommon for people of old age...

Are wisdom teeth pulled too early?

Study: Symptomless wisdom teeth are pulled too fast. In many patients, healthy wisdom teeth that otherwise do not cause discomfort...

Will type 1 diabetes be curable in the future?

Immune response in type 1 diabetes successfully stopped Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood and is caused by an...

Will men's dads decrease testosterone levels

Paternity makes men emotional 13/09/2011 Men who have just become fathers have significantly lower testosterone levels than before fatherhood. That...

Are not nerve cells regenerated in the adult brain?

No new neurons in adults Over the past several decades, several studies have concluded that we still form nerve cells...

Are women less considered in drug testing?

Investigations of drugs: Too many men in drug tests?Although women take significantly more tablets than men in many phases of...

Are Berlin doctors lubricated by pharmaceutical companies?

The Prosecutor General's Office confirms investigations against the pharmaceutical company Oncosachs. The suspicion: commercial bribery of doctors. 23/01/2011 For several...

Advertising on TV makes children overweight

TV advertising makes children overweight 21/02/2011 Advertising makes children fat, because every second advertising film children watch on television is...