Werther effects after suicide by Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington

Werther effects after suicide by Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington / Health News
Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington
The Foundation German Depressionshilfe regrets the death of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington. First reports are based on suicide.

Men commit suicide significantly more often than women in depression, even though they find it harder for women to open up to other people with their problems. (Image: Paolese / fotolia.com)

Suicide reporting is associated with particular responsibility since the risk of the so-called "Werther effect", i. the triggering of imitative suicides.
The risk of imitation decreases if:

1. Helplines and help contacts are specified in the reports, e.g. the Telefonseelsorge in Germany 0800 111 0 111/0800 111 0 222 or in the acute case always the emergency doctor,
Expert opinions are obtained,

2. Identify alternative problem solutions and crisis management cases,

3. Suicide is reported in the media as a result of a condition (such as depression) that could have been successfully treated (90% of all suicides are in the context of depression and other mental illness)

4. Background information on the disease can be given.

Most suicides occur against the background of mental illness
Almost 90% of the approximately 10,000 suicides and 150,000 suicide attempts in Germany take place against the background of an often not optimally treated mental illness, most often depression.

"Depression is associated with great suffering and deep hopelessness. In the depression existing problems are perceived enlarged and it is always lost the belief that this painful condition will ever improve again and they can be helped. In their desperation, people then see suicide as the only way to escape this unbearable condition, "says Prof. Ulrich Hegerl, psychiatrist and CEO of the German Depressive Aid Foundation.

The professional treatment of depression is the most important measure to prevent suicide. "The vast majority of people with depression can be helped with medication and psychotherapy. Therefore, as with any other illness, it is crucial to seek professional help quickly, ie. to turn to the family doctor or directly to a neurologist or psychiatrist "said Hegerl. (Pm)