Are Berlin doctors lubricated by pharmaceutical companies?

Are Berlin doctors lubricated by pharmaceutical companies? / Health News

The Prosecutor General's Office confirms investigations against the pharmaceutical company Oncosachs. The suspicion: commercial bribery of doctors.


For several weeks, the Attorney General investigates against the Leipzig pharmaceutical manufacturer „Oncosachs“. According to media information, a Berlin pediatrician money in prospect, if he ordered only at the Leipzig company pharmaceutical products.

Prosecutor's office determined
According to the Attorney General, the judicial authorities have been investigating the pharmaceutical company Oncosachs for several weeks. Opposite the news agency „dpa“ the chairman of the special unit confirmed „INES“ corresponding official investigations. However, according to prosecutor Wolfgang Schwürzer, the investigating authorities are „still at the beginning“. As part of the investigation, several objects of the company have been searched, which produces, among other generic drugs.

suspicion of „commercial bribery“ of doctors
Already on Saturday had the news magazine „The mirror“ reported that the background of the investigation suspected „commercial bribery“ of doctors. According to the magazine, a Berlin pediatrician got the offer to receive a total of 90,000 euros, if in the future he only ordered drugs from the Leipzig-based company. Specifically, according to the doctor, it would be a special chemotherapy infusion for cancer patients. Opposite the mirror, the doctor had indicated that for each administered infusion of the company would be 50 euros in prospect. If the physician treated only 10 patients per day with an infusion, this would be 90,000 euros per year. The offer was submitted to him by a pharmaceutical representative of the company. According to the doctor, the cash flow should be "formal" via register studies. During the conversation, the pediatrician told the pharmacy rep that the offer did not sound like a study, but a revenue share.

Oncosachs rejects the allegations
The company rejects all allegations. The managing director Uwe Krasselt stressed according to media reports that physicians are honored only in the context of studies. The named offer to the doctor from Berlin does not know Krasselt. Opposite the mirror stressed the managing director that all studies without exception „be serious“. Even so-called kickbacks have not been paid to doctors. Krasselt suspects behind the „attack“ a Berlin competitor. The lawyer of the company Frank-Thoralf Hager told the "BZ": "We are considering legal action against the reporter."

According to Spiegel, a number of pharmacies are behind the company Oncosachs. These, in turn, are important contract partners of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse AOK Berlin-Brandenburg. According to information from the mirror almost all the insured persons of the AOK Berlin-Brandenburg are treated with the cancer drugs of Oncosachs. (Sb)

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Image: Michael Bührke