Will men's dads decrease testosterone levels

Will men's dads decrease testosterone levels / Health News

Paternity makes men emotional


Men who have just become fathers have significantly lower testosterone levels than before fatherhood. That determined a study of Northwestern University in Evanston. The researchers examined the hormone levels before and after the child's birth in 600 Filipino subjects.

A fatherhood makes men probably more emotional, loving and creates more understanding of his environment. Based on the recent study results of US researchers could come to this conclusion. An incoming paternity may well be responsible for a fall in the male sex hormone testosterone. In any case, the researchers suspect a direct connection and reported on the results of a long-term study of about 600 men in Philippines in the journal „Proceedings“ the American Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Long-term study with over 600 men
During the study work, the male study participants were examined once in 2005 and then again in 2009. To this end, the scientific team took the subjects a saliva sample to analyze the hormone content. At baseline, all participants were on average 21.5 years old. The hormonal values ​​were measured once in the morning and again in the evening. During the study period, one-third of men married or became partners and became fathers. Once a child was born, significant changes in hormone levels were seen in almost all men. The more the man took care of his offspring, the more testosterone also sank. If the child had just been born, the hormone was more markedly reduced than in those whose child was over one month old. As a comparison group, the remaining childless men who remained single remained served. And another interesting context, the research team found: The more fathers cared for their children, the lower was also the proof of the testosterone level, as the scientist around Christopher Kuzawa explained.

Low testosterone levels during paternity
Previous studies have shown that fathers had lower male hormone levels than men who were still childless. However, according to the research consortium, it has never been clear why this is so. Two theories faced each other. One was that men with lower levels of testosterone are more likely to have children than men with high levels of testosterone. The second thesis suggested that fatherhood suppresses male hormones.

The study refuted the former conjecture. Because the higher the hormone level for the sex hormone turned out, the higher the likelihood that the study participant will become a father himself in the course of his life. This finding in turn suggests that a high testosterone level plays a key role in dating. More androgens seem to make it easier to find a partner and have an attractive effect on women. The family had always played a big role in the Philippines. As a result of social change, the family image has changed, as Kuzawa explained.

In animals similar hormonal effects
The study work coincides with scientific observations in the animal world. For example, scientists have already shown that mammals and birds react similarly to the hormone system when offspring were born. Animals with a high testosterone value invested significantly more energy in finding a partner. When the offspring was born again, the hormone levels dropped again. Accordingly, nature acts hormonally on the family fathers. An elevated testosterone level in men promotes dominant and aggressive behavior. Two „typical male“ Features that seem out of place after the birth of a child. (Sb)

Image: Sabrina Gonstalla