Osteoporosis What really helps against bone disease

Osteoporosis What really helps against bone disease / Health News

When the bones become thin and fragile: Find out about osteoporosis

Health experts say osteoporosis is the most common bone disorder worldwide. In Germany alone, more than six million people are affected by the disease, which is also referred to as "bone loss". And there are more and more. But that does not have to be. Experts explain how to prevent osteoporosis.

One of the most common diseases worldwide

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is one of the ten most common diseases worldwide. According to expert estimates, around six million people in Germany alone are suffering from it, and the trend is rising. However, there are ways to help protect against osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease worldwide. In this country over six million people are affected. And there are more. But there are ways to prevent the disease. (Image: crevis / fotolia.com)

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis literally means "porous bone" and is therefore commonly referred to as "bone loss". The metabolic disease, in which the body increasingly degrades bone, affects mostly older people.

The bone mass usually increases until the age of 30. From then healthy people lose 0.5 to one percent per year.

"That's perfectly normal," explains Dr. Wolfgang Reuter, health expert of the DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung in a statement explaining osteoporosis and possible therapeutic measures.

"In osteoporosis patients, the bone density, ie the bone mass per unit volume, per year in extreme cases, up to six percent back," said the physician.

As a result, even at low loads or simple falls the bones can break.

Causes and risk factors

Doctors distinguish two forms of osteoporosis: the primary and the secondary. The former occurs in 95 percent of cases.

According to the experts, it is caused on the one hand in menopausal women by a lack of estrogen, which is important for bone formation.

On the other hand, in men and women alike, the bone loss can increase with age, especially from the age of 70 years. Physicians also speak of senile osteoporosis.

In the remaining cases secondary osteoporosis is present. The bone loss occurs as a result of other diseases - such as arthritis, hyperthyroidism - or due to a permanent intake of drugs, such as cortisone or antidepressants on.

In addition, both forms of osteoporosis are favored by other factors: for example, women are generally affected more often due to their finer-built bones. Hereditary predisposition also plays a role.

"If a parent has already struggled with bone loss, the risk for the children is increased," explains Reuter.

Last but not least, an unhealthy lifestyle with unhealthy diet, smoking, physical inactivity or being overweight can also promote osteoporosis.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The treacherous thing about osteoporosis is that it occurs creeping and stays symptom free for a long time.

"An unwanted weight loss of more than ten percent or broken bones at low loads can be the first signs," says Reuter.

Then it often comes to a femoral neck fracture or a fracture of vertebral bodies. To avoid such serious consequences, it is important to recognize the disease as early as possible.

As the experts explain, bone density measurement (DXA) is an important part of diagnostics. X-rays scan the lumbar spine and thigh neck.

In this way, the doctors determine the so-called T-value. "It indicates by how many units the bone density deviates from the standard T-value 0 - the value of a 30-year-old person. From a T-value of -2.5 there is osteoporosis, "explains Reuter.

Prevent osteoporosis

To prevent the disease, the DKV expert advises on a healthy lifestyle. The basis for this is a balanced diet. In particular, calcium and vitamin D are important for strong bones.

"Good calcium suppliers are, for example, dairy products, spinach or broccoli," says Reuter.

"Good sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, eggs or butter. In addition, sunlight is very helpful. Because with the sun, the body forms vitamin D by itself. "

In addition, regular exercise helps against osteoporosis. For example, going for a walk or swimming have a positive effect on the bone structure and promote muscle strength and coordination.

Because smoking harms the bone structure, it should be better avoided altogether. Anyone who has already been diagnosed with osteoporosis should opt for a healthy lifestyle at the latest.

In advanced osteoporosis, doctors often prescribe drugs that strengthen the bones and stop the breakdown. Pain can be alleviated, for example, by medication with the active ingredients ibuprofen or diclofenac.

Physical therapies such as massages and cold or heat treatments can also help.

"Anyone who notices symptoms should consult a doctor in any case. The earlier the disease is recognized and treated, the less it affects everyday life and the lifestyle, "concludes the DKV expert. (Ad)