Osteoporosis Prevention Bones need sun

Osteoporosis Prevention Bones need sun / Health News

3edcOsteoporose Prevention: Bones need a lot of sun


Especially older people often suffer from osteoporosis. In this bone disease even slight falls can lead to severe fractures. Experts point out that much sunlight helps to prevent osteoporosis.

UV light for the production of vitamin D.
Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone diseases and is usually associated with severe bone pain. Especially the elderly are affected, as bone density naturally declines with age. To prevent the disease, among other things helps a lot of sunlight, since the body for the production of vitamin D UV light needs. This is what the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology (DGOU) points out, according to a report from the dpa news agency.

Fill up on the sun for half an hour a day
Vitamin D helps the body absorb the calcium from food, which in turn is good for the strength and stability of the bones. At least half an hour a day you should sunbathe in the fresh air, advises the DGOU. And during the dark season, the vitamin can also be taken in addition. Approximately 800 to 1000 units per day are advisable. In addition, a balanced diet helps against calcium deficiency. Good calcium suppliers include dairy products, vegetables such as broccoli, fennel or kale, nuts and some herbs.

Phosphorus attacks the bones
Not good, however, are coke, chocolate or roasted peanuts. This is because these foods contain phosphorus, which in turn attacks the bones. Also nicotine consumption and alcohol have a harmful influence, as experts emphasize again and again. In the past, it has sometimes been advised to be sparing with osteoporosis, but now sufferers are recommended to complete special exercise programs several times a week.

„Tips not only for the elderly“
Among other things, sports promotes bone metabolism. In addition, the additionally built-up musculature relieves vulnerable bones. Bone mass can be built up with strength training, gymnastics or swimming. „The tips are not only valid for older people who are mostly affected by the disease“, explained Prof. Wolfgang Böcker from DGOU to dpa. Even at a young age, the foundation for strong bones in old age is laid. On the occasion of the World Osteoporosis Day on October 20, educational events on the disease take place in numerous countries. (Ad)
