Osteoporosis when bones become brittle

Osteoporosis when bones become brittle / Health News

Early therapy is crucial for the course of the disease


Osteoporosis develops slowly and often begins unnoticed. Many sufferers only learn about their disease after a bone fracture. Nationwide, around eight million people suffer from osteoporosis, women about five times more often than men - usually without knowing it. The earlier physicians recognize the so-called bone loss, the better the therapy will start. With early orthopedic treatment, the decreasing bone density can even be reversed.

„Dull back pain is often the first symptom of osteoporosis, while severe, punctuated pain is an advanced stage condition“, explains Dr. Ramin Nazemi from the orthonet NRW, an association of established orthopedists in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, postural changes as well as a reduced body size indicate a decrease of the bone substance. In the late stage, many patients experience bone fractures that occur for no apparent reason. Even minimal stresses such as stooping, a slight fall or even simple sneezing may be enough to cause fractures. These not only cause extreme pain, but often cause further fractures and complications. Many sufferers dare in the episode even the smallest movements and no longer live in fear.

Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease of the bones in which the organism degrades more bone than it regenerates. As a result, the skeleton loses stability. The causes include genetic factors, estrogen deficiency after menopause, permanent cortisone intake, thyroid overfunction or other diseases. But the way of life, especially nutrition, plays a big role. There is also a lack of physical activity. „Many patients lay the foundation of their disease as early as childhood, as the basis for strong bones is formed in the growth phase“, reports Nazemi. In principle, however, can be up to the 40th year of a kind „account“ build up for bone stability. Regular exercise, calcium-rich diet and an adequate supply of vitamin D already make an important contribution to prevention. It is also important to enjoy „bone robbers“ like nicotine and alcohol and to avoid phosphate-rich foods like meat or sausage, coffee and cola.

To diagnose osteoporosis, sometimes just a simple bone density measurement is sufficient. However, computed tomography, certain blood tests or mobility tests by an orthopedist often provide information. If the specialist comes to a corresponding diagnosis, special drugs are an important part of the therapy. There are now a number of drug substances that specifically stop the bone loss, stimulate their construction and thus protect against painful and consequential breaks. In addition, orthopedic surgeons may strengthen the spine by surgery or replace an unstable joint to prevent further injury. However, early disease management can successfully halt disease progression in many patients, reduce the risk of complications, and even increase bone mineral density. (Pm)