Osteopathy Own profession in sight?

Osteopathy Own profession in sight? / Health News

Osteopathy: own profession in sight?


The Federal Association of Independent Physiotherapists IfK eV turns in a statement against its own profession Osteopathy. According to the IFK (Association of Freelance Physiotherapists), the training for physiotherapists and doctors in osteopathy should be expanded and therefore no profession of osteopath is necessary.

The IFK bases its conclusions on „extensive international research project“ which should have revealed two years ago that there is no gap in patient care in Germany. From the point of view of the IFK, this means that in Germany no further osteopathic profession is necessary. In support of this argument, the IFK uses the training standards for osteopathy formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The IFK claims to have a position paper „osteopathic physiotherapist“ sent to the Federal Ministry of Health and the health ministers of the countries, which is to serve as a basis for discussion and in large parts resembles the WHO curriculum.

Experts see the explanation of the IFK at the present time rather the fear, because it could come in Germany soon to its own profession Osteopath. In many cases, private schools that offer osteopathy training in Germany cooperate with universities in other countries and offer degrees such as Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Master of Science (MSc) in connection with osteopathy studies.

In Germany, many physiotherapists undergo the five-year training in osteopathy. However, since they are in most cases bound by instructions in Germany, they can not work in first contact. It is easier to acquire by a test at the health department the term alternative practitioner. The latter are allowed to offer and carry out osteopathy and manipulation during initial contact.

The question is whether it is currently a danger for some physiotherapy associations, if many of its members decide for an osteopathic training and then the way to the naturopath who stands for a non-directional execution of osteopathy in everyday practice. Because so far exists exclusively in the state of Hesse with the so-called „WPO Osteo“ a state-defined passage in the field of osteopathy. Thus, as a basis for work after five years of osteopathy training for physiotherapists „the naturopath“ on.

The IFK sees „the inclusion of osteopathy in the physiotherapy range of the statutory health insurance (SHI)“ as an important step. This is mostly viewed critically by practitioners and officials in the osteopathic scene. Many are worried that this could lead to strong Mitspracheveruchen the health insurance in the field of osteopathy in Germany and could jeopardize the autonomy of the concept.

Even the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917), is said to have said as the last message to his profession before his death in 1917: „ Keep it pure, boys, keep it pure.“ („Keep them in, boys, keep them in.“). In the founding days of osteopathy, diseases such as diabetes or asthma were also treated. Osteopathy in Germany, which did not gain a foothold here until around the 1970s, is today more of a therapy for complaints of the musculoskeletal system, such as abdominal pain or neck tension. (Tf)