Osteopathy Trust nature to the end

Osteopathy Trust nature to the end / Health News

Heilpraxisnet.de book tip: Andrew Taylor Still „Trust nature to the end“. Thoughts on osteopathic philosophy, Jolando's publishing house.

The Jolandos publishing house of Christian Hartmann from Pähl has made it its mission to bring the philosophy of osteopathy especially osteopathic professionals by sending and publishing literature in and around osteopathy. One of the works which is also suitable for non-osteopaths to get acquainted with osteopathy is this book.

At the beginning there is a short biography of Christian Hartmann on 20 pages Andrew Taylor stills (1828-1917), the founder of osteopathy. One notices immediately that the knowledge which Christian Hartmann has about the founder and the history of osteopathy goes far beyond what one can usually read on all internet pages of osteopaths in Germany. Hartmann manages in this short biography, the understanding of the reader for the time, lived in the Still, his family circumstances and backgrounds to get to the point. This is essential for understanding the texts of Andrew Taylor Still, Hartmann has put together on the other pages on the different topics such as osteopathy, nature, philosophy, religion, medicine and others.

This is not a random series of quotes, but the original excerpts from the texts of Stills against an insight into a particular view of the world and the understanding of the processes in and around us. They make it clear that osteopathy is more than just a specific manual treatment.

It is thanks to Christian Hartmann that not only with this book he has taken over the task of ensuring that osteopathy in Germany is more than just a backless method for the treatment of back pain or shoulder stabbing in the field of so-called „alternative“ Medicine. And anyone who works osteopathically will thank him for that alone if he is asked again at a party „Say, what is osteopathy actually??“. Then you can easily ask the questioner exactly this book in his hand. (tf, 21.11.2010)