Osteopathy is very popular among patients

Osteopathy is very popular among patients / Health News

Expenditure of health insurance for osteopathy increased threefold


The statutory health insurance companies spend more and more money on alternative treatment Osteopathy. According to a radio report from „NDR INFO“, would be the possibility of cash flow also „Attracting more and more therapists with insufficient qualifications“.

Since 2012, a number of health funds have taken over the treatment of osteopaths. Since taking over the treatment costs, osteopathy is experiencing a boom. According to the magazine, spending by the health insurances has tripled within one year. According to NDR Info, the expenditure amounted to about 110 million euros. The authors refer to an evaluation that was presented by 60 health insurances in Germany. The most common indications for treatment are back pain or cramps.

„We can confirm the information and the trend“, said a spokeswoman for the Techniker Krankenkasse „dpa“. In addition, the number of members of the osteopathic professional associations has doubled in the last three years.

Specialist associations have opposed the financing of the treatment method right from the start. A year ago, for example, it had criticized that many providers can use the scheme even without sufficient qualifications. But because the demand was high at the health insurance, they financed the benefits since 2012, or only partially.

Patients satisfied with osteopathy
This offer was launched in January 2012 at Techniker Krankenkasse. It was the time of billions in surplus. However, the health insurance fund would only reimburse the treatment costs proportionately if a qualification was secured, according to the spokeswoman. The osteopathic training included at least 1350 hours. So far, there have been hardly any complaints. A recent survey showed, „that the majority of patients were very satisfied with the quality of treatment.“ According to the magazine, however, the main problem is that there are no uniform guidelines for training as an osteopath.

Gabi Prediger, chairman of the Federal Association Osteopathy sees in the lack of training of some practitioners „a danger to the patients“. Nevertheless, the black-red federal government wants to change the current situation nothing. The government refuses, „to create a regulated job profile“. This is confirmed by a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Health. „The federal government has no intention of changing anything“, it was said.

The basis for the development of osteopathy was provided by the doctor. Andrew Taylor Still about 125 years ago. He linked the mechanical treatment with the energetic form. It is not only the mechanical influence of the therapist, but also the thinking at the moment of treatment that triggers recovery in the patient. The representatives of osteopathy assume that pain in one part of the body often has a cause in another part of the body. With one hand, for example, the therapist releases blockages in the musculoskeletal system or area of ​​the stomach and intestine. The treatments last between 30 and 60 minutes and cost between 60 and 120 euros. The term osteopath as a professional title is not protected. Detlef Jäger: „Patients should receive rough information about the therapist's path of education prior to treatment in order to obtain evidence of qualification“. (Sb)