Osteopathy Was VOD Negligent?

Osteopathy Was VOD Negligent? / Health News

Osteopathy: VOD acted negligently?


In a press release the „Interessengemeinschaft Deutscher Heilpraktikerverbände e Heiliger e.V.“ (IDH) the statement of the „Association of Osteopaths Germany e.V.“ (VOD) to study osteopathy after high school graduation, referred to as negligent. The background to this is that the VOD has initiated the first undergraduate bachelor program for osteopathy in Germany for the coming winter semester with the Hochschule Fresenius in Idstein near Wiesbaden.

The press release of the VOD referred in their heading to the fact that with the four-year study course the study of osteopathy after the Abitur was possible. This bothered the IDH and now designated on the same press portal the statement of the VOD as „negligent professional recommendation“. According to that, the IDH advises that young people who belong to the „Non-medical practitioner with osteopathy“ first attracted another state job, because they would otherwise be on one „uncertain future“ would. The chairman of the IDH, the Düsseldorf Heilpraktiker Bernd R. Schmidt, refers to the title of the press release of the VOD as a recommendation, which he vehemently reject.

Thus, the publication of the first undergraduate Bachelor's degree in osteopathy in other professional circles provoked once again massive reactions. Recently, the Federal Association of independent physiotherapist IfK e.V. had publicly stated that an independent profession „osteopath“ in Germany is not necessary.

About the background of the reactions can only be speculated so far. Physiotherapists and non-medical practitioners are certainly the two occupational groups in Germany through which osteopathy is exercised the most. The upcoming eight-semester full-time study course at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein prepares the participants for an external medical practitioner exam „osteopath“ but could represent a competition and maybe lead to a loss of members.
The chairman of the VOD, Marina Ch. Fuhrmann, sees the academization of osteopathy as an independent discipline quite positively, because it would promote the recognition of osteopathy. Unlike IDH, the VOD sees osteopathy as an emerging branch „very good job prospects“.

In general, osteopathy in Germany, especially in the area of ​​chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain or neck tension, is widely used as a method of increasing popularity. The Scientific Advisory Council of the German Medical Association (BÄK) had already in autumn 2009 a „Scientific assessment of osteopathic procedures“ released. Accordingly, the use of osteopathy in the musculoskeletal system (parietal osteopathy) is well in Germany. There is a plethora of studies and overlaps with other manual procedures. The lack of evidence for the visceral (treatment of the organs) and especially for the craniosacral area were criticized. The coming years with the first graduates of the study program must show whether the charge of negligence, which the IDH has raised here, can be maintained. (Tf)

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Osteopathy Bachelor degree program introduced