Nut Nougat Cream Nutella ingredients can be carcinogenic

Nut Nougat Cream Nutella ingredients can be carcinogenic / Health News
EFSA warns of the carcinogenic effects of palm oil
Many children and adults like to eat Nutella for breakfast. A key ingredient of the tasty Nut Nougat cream is contained palm oil. But now there is bad news for all Nutella lovers. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) warned that palm oil can be potentially carcinogenic when processed at high temperatures.

A new study found in December that there seems to be a link between palm oil and the aggressive spread of cancer in mice. The European Food Safety Authority also classifies palm oil as a potential carcinogen. If the palm oil is processed at high temperature (about 200 degrees Celsius), it seems potentially carcinogenic, the experts explain in a press release.

Nutella is a sweet spread that is consumed in many countries. Experts now warn that contained palm oil could be carcinogenic. (Image:

These carcinogens may be contained in vegetable oil:
When examining certain vegetable oils, EFSA noted that, for example, the following carcinogens are formed: 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD) and 2-monochloropropanediol (2-MCPD). The highest levels of these substances were found in palm oil and palm fat.

Negative effects of the production of palm oil
EFSA stated that margarine, biscuits and cakes are the main source of palm oil consumption. For example, EFSA is not warning directly against the consumption of nut nougat cream. Nevertheless, palm oil is a key ingredient of Nutella. In addition to the suspicion of causing cancer, palm oil already has a history with several far-reaching negative effects. These include, for example, deforestation, the extinction of various species of living organisms, a number of violations of human rights and high greenhouse gas emissions.

Ferrero distances itself from the allegations
Ferrero has already responded in a statement that palm oil used in Nutella does not contribute to any of the negative consequences mentioned above. The Italian company also became a member of the so-called Palm Oil Innovation Group. This initiative aims to reform the palm oil industry, explained on the Nutella website.

Ferrero: There is no concrete evidence of the harmful effects of palm oil
On its website Ferrero directly contradicts the alleged adverse health effects: in contrast to some opportunistic views, it is incorrect to claim that palm oil is harmful to human health. Also cited is a campaign from the 1980s from the US, which warned against the dangerous effect of palm oil on health. At that time scientists refuted this statement. So the consumption of palm oil rose again.

These products contain palm oil
Nevertheless, EFSA's most recent report raises legitimate concerns about the safety of palm oil consumption. There are many processed foods that contain palm oil. These include, for example, packaged bread, ice cream and margarine. But also non-edible items contain partially palm oil. These include products such as lipsticks and detergents.

Ferrero launches safety campaign for Nutella
Nutella accounts for approximately one-fifth of Ferrero's sales. For this reason, the company launched an advertising campaign to convince the public of the safety of Nutella.

Palm oil makes Nutella creamy and longer lasting
According to Reuters news agency, palm oil is responsible for the creamy texture and long shelf life of Nutella. The production of Nutella without palm oil would lead to an inferior replacement of the product, explains Vincenzo Tapella Ferrero's purchasing manager to Reuters.

Ferrero uses about 185,000 tonnes of palm oil annually
Palm oil is the cheapest vegetable oil. Ferrero uses around 185,000 tons of this ingredient every year. The use of other oils could affect the consistency of the product, thereby reducing sales and, in addition, massively increasing Ferrero's costs.

Further investigations are necessary
EFSA can not legislate. In addition, the authority also recommends not to stop the consumption of palm oil in general. Nevertheless, EFSA claims that palm oil is a potentially harmful ingredient and is therefore calling for further investigation. An ongoing study is currently underway by the European Commission on this topic. Nutella may be sugary and very sweet, but the allegations about palm oil still leave a particularly bitter connotation with the consumer. (As)