Only a few changed to private health insurance

Only a few changed to private health insurance / Health News

Only a few changed to private health insurance


Since the entry into force of the health care reform at the beginning of the year, statutory health insurance (SHI) can switch more quickly to private health insurance (PHI). Despite the greatest media attention apparently many hesitate the step towards PKV. For those who change once, the way back to the GKV remains closed forever.

According to a recent survey by the polling institute TNS Infratest, many regret their change to private health insurance. Ten percent of private insured people said they would „under no circumstance“ Change more to the private health insurance if they were now again before the election. Eight percent said they would „probably“ Do not switch anymore and another ten percent said they would only „perhaps“ switch. Overall, one third of respondents therefore doubted their change.

4.5 million people could currently switch to private health insurance
According to estimates by health economists, about 4.5 million insured persons are voluntarily covered by statutory health insurance. This means just as many people could switch to private health insurance if they wanted it. But last year just 16,000 people took this irreversible step. Thus, the potential in the last year to win new customers, was far from exhausted. The skepticism about a hasty change continues to persist among many employees and independent freelancers. While contributions are sensationally low in young insurance years, the rude awakening comes with age and new family planning. While unemployed spouses and children can be insured for free in the family insurance of the statutory health insurance, the private health insurance does not know such a social institution. Those who are privately insured must conclude an extra tariff for children and spouses. For this reason, the Confederation of Insured and the consumer centers warns against a premature change. As it turns out, apparently with success.

PKV Association expects increasing interest
On the other hand, the Federal Association of Private Health Insurers (PKV) is optimistic. Its chairman Reinhold Schulte expects significant migratory towards PKV. In the past financial year, the number of private insured increased by one percent. In 2011, due to the new legal regulations, a significant upturn in new customer business is expected.

For when the change is worthwhile
Aid for civil servants and start-up founders could certainly make sense with state aid. If you are young, you often have to pay little for the so-called entry-level tariffs. But caution is advised by independent consumer advocates. Also with the PKV the tariffs are continuously adapted and increased. The contributions increase with changes in one's own life situation. And in the end, anyone who has left the womb of the statutory health insurance can not return. In case of collective bargaining, only the change within private health insurance with mostly new classifications and health examinations will help. (Sb)

Also read:
Many insured dissatisfied with the PKV
The medical association sees "self-destruction" of PKV
PKV Association sees no losses
PKV introductory rates often offer less than the GKV