Nut Study Nuts protect against serious diseases

Nut Study Nuts protect against serious diseases / Health News
Prevent many diseases with a handful of nuts a day
Especially now in the run-up to Christmas are often bowls with hazelnuts and walnuts ready. The nuts should be eaten best all year round. Because nuts protect against numerous, sometimes deadly, diseases, as scientists have now found again.

Nuts protect against deadly diseases
Nuts are energetic and very healthy. However, some people consider them "fakers" and avoid them. According to Antje Gahl of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), a mistake: "Although the fat content of nuts is between 40 and 70 percent depending on the variety," says the expert, "these are predominantly valuable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. "Nevertheless, nuts should be enjoyed only in moderation due to the high energy content, according to the foundation are recommended a handful during the day. That's the amount that researchers say can protect against many, sometimes deadly, diseases.

Scientists have found that daily consumption of a handful of nuts can protect against numerous diseases. Also because of the figure you do not have to worry. There is evidence that the nuts can prevent obesity. (Image: karepa /

Danger of death is reduced
Many studies in recent years suggest that nuts are a healthy nutritional supplement. For example, walnuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels, nuts may reduce diabetes risk, increase prostate cancer survival, and generally reduce the risk of death.

The latter can also be seen in a meta-analysis of British and Norwegian scientists, which has now been published in the journal "BMC Medicine".

Every day a handful
The researchers from the Imperial College London and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that several studies have shown that eating about 20 grams of nuts a day - about a handful - increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease by almost 30 percent Percent, the cancer risk by 15 percent and the risk of dying prematurely by 22 percent.

In addition, the experts noted that nut consumption in this amount was associated with a decreased risk of death from respiratory disease and diabetes.

Several studies evaluated
As the Imperial College London reported in a communication, the research team analyzed a total of 29 studies from around the world with up to 819,000 participants.

Among them were tens of thousands with cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer and 85,000 deaths.

Essential effect for a small amount of food
The researchers found that nut consumption was associated with a reduction in disease risk in most subjects. "We found a constant reduction in the risk of various diseases, which is a strong indication that there is a link between nut consumption and health outcomes," said co-author Dagfinn Aune. "It's a very significant effect on such a small amount of food."

Nuts against obesity
The study covered all sorts of nuts, including hazelnuts and walnuts, as well as peanuts, which are actually not nuts but legumes. According to Aune, it is above all the nutritional value that makes nuts so valuable.

"Some nuts, especially walnuts and pecans, are also rich in antioxidants," explained Aune. These may possibly reduce the risk of cancer. Although nuts contain a lot of fat, but also a lot of protein and fiber. According to the researcher, there is evidence that nuts reduce the risk of obesity over time.

The researchers also pointed out that they did not notice any further health benefit from nut consumption that exceeded 20 grams per day. (Ad)