State of emergency due to influenza in New York

State of emergency due to influenza in New York / Health News

Influenza: New York is calling for a medical emergency


In New York, a medical emergency was declared due to a severe flu epidemic. With more than 19,000 people in New York State suffering from a flu infection, Governor Andrew Cuomo has been forced to take that drastic step. In most other US states, more flu is reported. „Twenty-four states and New York City are experiencing high levels of flu activity“, so the message of the American health authority „Centers of Disease Control and Prevention“ (CDC).

This year's flu epidemic hit many US states particularly hard. Tens of thousands of people are suffering and already 20 deaths have been reported in children, writes the US daily „The Times“. According to media reports, clinics in some regions are severely overburdened by the large number of flu infections and emergency beds had to be set up. In addition to New York in Boston (Massachusetts) was proclaimed by the authorities of health emergency. In New York, the number of infections this flu season with nearly 20,000 reported illnesses was almost five times higher than in the same period last year.

Inoculations to protect you from the flu
Governor Cuomo has reiterated the importance of flu shots to prevent such epidemics in light of the significant increase in flu activity. The health authority CDC also urged the population to take flu vaccines. In particular persons „at high risk for severe flu complications such as infants, pregnant women, people with chronic illnesses (such as asthma, diabetes or heart and lung diseases) and people over the age of 65 years“, should protect themselves according to CDC with a vaccine.

Skepticism with flu shots
But people's skepticism about flu vaccinations is still great today. Although about 40 percent of US citizens are already vaccinated annually, the majority oppose this step. Also, the question arises as to what purpose a vaccination at this late stage of the flu season should still have, since about two weeks are required to build up sufficient vaccine protection, the CDC, however, already speaks of that the peak of this year's flu may already is over.

Avoid spreading the infections
In order to prevent the further spread of the flu infection, the health authorities put in addition to the vaccinations primarily on information. The population should learn to protect themselves as efficiently as possible and to minimize the risk to their fellow human beings if they have their own disease. Simple measures such as regular hand washing, distance to sick people and avoiding contact with other people in the case of a disease of their own are mentioned here by the CDC.

High flu activity in several states
To what extent the announcement of the medical emergency in New York will help to stop the spread of the flu epidemic remains to be seen, but at least the population is now sensitized to the issue. In the state of New York, all 57 districts and neighborhoods in New York City are struggling with increased flu infections, with the Chelsea neighborhoods in Manhattan and Carroll Gardens in Brooklyn being particularly hard hit, according to media reports. Although the level of influenza in New York is particularly dramatic, other states such as Alabama, Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas have seen this year's flu epidemic hit a heavy blow, according to the CDC. Moderate flu activity has been reported from sixteen states such as Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio or Washington. For example, California only experiences minimal flu activity.

40,000 flu deaths per year
Much of this year's flu infection was triggered by influenza H3N2 viruses or a subtype (76 percent), according to the CDC. The remainder of influenza illness was largely accounted for by influenza B viruses. Isolated were also infections with the „swine flu“-Pathogen H1N1 detected. The estimated risk of the flu is illustrated by the estimated 40,000 annual deaths in the United States. The proclamation of the medical emergency in New York was therefore for good reason. (Fp)

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Picture: Rita Thielen