Emergency physicians experience daily ignorance of motorists

Emergency physicians experience daily ignorance of motorists / Health News

Emergency physicians criticize ignorance of motorists


Emergency physicians need to be on the scene quickly to save lives. The siren should help them to move forward as quickly as possible and without an accident. But many drivers ignore the special signals. This can cost a living, critics say.

Aggressiveness in traffic
Night view of the emergency doctors ignore Bayerns motorists more often the special ambulance ambulance. The chairman of the consortium of emergency physicians (agbn) in Bavaria, Peter Sefrin, said according to a message from the news agency dpa: „There is now an eternal selfishness in traffic. And that makes itself of course noticeable in the use of driving.“ This is just one of many forms of aggressiveness in traffic. „But this is one that can affect a larger group if you actually go out to help others“, so sefrin.

Disabilities in 70 percent of mission trips
According to the chairman of the agbn, the ambulances are ignored, thwarted or deliberately blocked in 70 percent of the operations. „Following the motto: „I will not let that go. He drives only with his car to get pizza.“ This is not possible at all.“ Due to these reactions of motorists, the already high accident risk increases in addition. Although the emergency physicians are both practically and theoretically trained for the dangerous situations in the road. But a special driving style is not possible due to the manifold reactions. „Unpredictability for the drivers is disproportionate.“ According to the information, the Bavarian emergency physicians last year almost 370,000 times with special signal disengaged.

Motorists should be sensitized
Emergency doctors have no choice but to wait if the road is blocked - intentionally or unintentionally. „We can not do more.“ The doctors would also write down no license plate. „We do not want to be the teachers of the nation, and we do not consider that an adequate means of pressure“, explained Sefrin. Instead, he wants more education, so that drivers are sensitized. „It has to be shown that everyone can come to the situation within a very short time and that he urgently needs help from the ambulance.“ When one considers that, for example, in diseases such as heart attack or stroke every minute can decide about life or death, the ignorance of some road users is truly terrifying.

Penal order against emergency doctor due to endangerment of road traffic
However, this is not a purely Bavarian problem. Also from Thuringia recently similar was reported. The „Thuringian General“ quoted Dr. Hans-Jürgen Arndt, medical director of the rescue service in the district of Nordhausen: „It is taken the right of way, you will be slowed down or blocked. For 75 percent, it does not matter if we're on blue lights.“ About two weeks ago, the criminal order against a Bavarian ambulance doctor made for nationwide headlines. Because of endangerment of road traffic in a deployment trip this should pay 4,500 euros and give the license for half a year. A little later, the sentence was canceled again. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Jäger