New healing methods Bacteria produced by bacteria and psychoactive mushrooms

In the truest sense of the word: excellent research
Wounds more effectively heal from bacterial wound dressings that release active ingredients over seven days, and an ingredient that can relieve anxiety and depression derived from psychoactive mushrooms known as "magic mushrooms". These are two new healing methods that have recently won a coveted science award.
The PHOENIX Pharmaceutical Science Award went to the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in two out of four awards. The two research groups have asserted themselves in completely different categories. On the one hand, a biomaterial was selected that is produced by acetic acid bacteria and can be used as a wound dressing. On the other hand, a method has been awarded to produce the active substance psilocybin from the "magic mushrooms" in the test tube, making it accessible to the pharmaceutical industry.

Bacteria produce the plaster of the future?
Nanocellulose is the name given to the highly stable and promising biomaterial produced by acetic acid bacteria. "Nanocellulose consists of a three-dimensional network of 20 to 100 nanometer-thick fibers, is highly stable, very heat-resistant and absolutely compatible with humans," explains research director Professor Dr. med. Dagmar Fischer the benefits of Biomaterials in a press release. In addition, the large area of matter offers enormous storage capacity for various active ingredients.
Success through optimization
Although nanocellulose is not a new discovery by the team, researchers have succeeded in optimizing the biomaterial so that it can be used for medical purposes. Since 99% of nanocellulose is water, it has been difficult to regulate drug release, the research team reports. "We have incorporated into the bacterial nanocellulose the poloxamer polymer in the form of micelles and gel structures, creating a hybrid system that can deliver the antiseptic agent octenidine in a controlled manner for up to one week," explains the professor.
What can nanocellulose be used for??
As the researchers report, active ingredients can be incorporated into the innovative biomaterial, which are then released over a period of up to seven days. "On this basis, modern wound dressings can be produced, which need to be changed less frequently and therefore both less stress for the patient as well as time and cost savings in everyday hospital life," says Fischer.
How "Magic Mushrooms" contribute to the Researcher Award
The second award went to the research group headed by Professor dr. Dirk Hoffmeister. The team dedicated themselves to the substance psilocybin, the psychoactive mushrooms commonly known as "magic mushrooms". "We are dealing with the molecule psilocybin - a substance that has become known especially for its hallucinogenic effect and regulated by the law on narcotics," says Hoffmeister.
Cure anxiety and depression with psychoactive mushrooms?
Indeed, studies have shown that the hallucinogenic fungi can treat depression. "Clinical studies have already shown that psilocybin can help prevent therapy-resistant depression and relieve anxiety disorders in cancer patients," says Hoffmeister, explaining the benefits of the discredited drug. The team around Hoffmeister decoded how the fungus produces the active ingredient psilocybin.
"Magic Mushrooms" from the test tube
"We have clarified which mechanisms and metabolic processes take place and know the genes of the fungus and the enzymes with which it produces the substance from a protein building block," reports the professor. Afterwards, the team developed a method in which genetically modified microorganisms produce the active substance psilocybin in large quantities in the laboratory. So you can produce psilocybin on a large scale. This is the prerequisite for pharmaceutical interest in the active ingredient, summarizes Hoffmeister. (Vb)