New fasting study confirms the positive effects on high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and many more diseases

New fasting study confirms the positive effects on high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and many more diseases / Health News

Therapeutic Fasting Study confirms numerous beneficial effects

The largest study of its kind to date demonstrates the many positive health effects that fasting can bring. More than 1400 participants documented the health effects of fasting. The physicians were able to show that a clinical fasting program is a safe and well-tolerated method both for the prevention of age-related diseases and for the treatment of chronic metabolic disorders and obesity.

Researchers around Dr. med. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo of the Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic on Lake Constance recently organized in cooperation with Professor Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen from the University Hospital Charité Berlin the largest scientific study to date on the effect of Buchinger's fasting. The team analyzed a detailed data collection of 1,422 fasting people who completed a 5- to 20-day fasting program in the clinic in 2016. The results of the study were recently published in the renowned journal "PLOS One".

In the case of traditional Buchinger fasting, the executors only eat organic fruit juices and soups. (Image: fahrwasser /

Fasting mobilizes stored energies in adipose tissue

Among other things, the study showed that fasting mobilized the energies of the human body stored in adipose tissue. This results in numerous positive aspects, according to the researchers. For example, switch the metabolism and no longer draw its energies from glucose, but from fat and ketone consumption. The physicians proved this by the constant presence of ketone bodies in the urine of the participants.

Losing weight with fasting

According to the study, fasting is also associated with significant weight loss. The participants had reduced abdominal circumference and reduced cholesterol and lipid levels after fasting. The researchers rate medical fasting as a suitable weight loss method.

Fasting for high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Furthermore, the study showed that fasting normalized the participants' blood pressure. Blood glucose and HbA1c levels were also better after fasting than before. The study team recommends Buchinger fasting for the prevention of heart disease and for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

Arthritis, fatty liver, hypercholesterolemia and fatigue

Also with other complaints led the medically accompanied fasting to an improvement. In 84 percent of the participants, the progression of serious diseases and complaints improved, such as arthritis, fatty liver, high blood lipid levels and fatigue syndrome. If done correctly, fasting people do not have to endure hunger. 93 percent of the participants stated that they did not feel hungry during the treatment.

What side effects can occur during fasting?

The study deals exclusively with the effects of medically-led fasting in a clinic. Here, the doctors were able to document only a few side effects. In some cases, restless sleep, headache, tiredness or lumbar pain have been reported, especially in the first three days.

About the Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting program

The participants carried out the fasting cure via the Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting program. In this traditional method, patients consume on average 200 calories per day via organic fruit juices and soups. The fasting program is also accompanied by physical activity and supported by an environment characterized by calmness and mindfulness. (Vb)