New Hepatitis C increases healing rate

Combined method increases cure rate in Hepatis-C
American scientists from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have apparently discovered a new method for the treatment of hepatitis C. As the team currently in the “New England Journal of Medicine” reports that the special feature of this method is that it puts a much lower burden on the body than previous forms of therapy. Maybe the new method could be approved later this year.
Hepatitis in most cases is caused by viruses
Hepatitis - an inflammation of the liver (from hepar = Greek liver), which is often due to the conspicuous yellowish skin and yellow eyes in some patients as „jaundice“ referred to as. The causes of hepatitis are different: viruses, bacteria or parasites can be just as trigger as certain diseases or metabolic disorders (such as fatty liver). In addition, medication or excessive alcohol consumption can lead to hepatitis. In most cases, liver inflammation is caused by viruses („viral hepatitis“), whereby in particular the virus types hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are in the foreground.
About 150 million people worldwide have hepatitis C
While hepatitis A usually heals without complications, forms B and C can lead to chronic progression and even liver failure. Vaccinations are possible against the forms A and B, a hepatitis C vaccine does not exist despite intensive research so far. Accordingly, this form of hepatitis is widespread, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 150 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the C virus, 350,000 sufferers die each year from the associated diseases of the liver. In Germany, experts estimate 400,000 to 500,000 people affected. So far, the disease has usually been by means of a combined therapy with the drugs „ribavirin“ and „interferon“ treated, which - depending on the respective genotype of the virus - a chance of recovery of 50 to 80%.
Previous therapy with many side effects
However, the treatment is usually associated with many side effects: Interferon can cause flu symptoms such as fever and chills, but also cause fatigue, mild hair loss, thyroid dysfunction and mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Ribavirin also reduces red blood cells in many patients.
Gentler treatment by new method with daclatasvir and sofosbuvir
Now, however, new hope for hepatitis patients on a treatment method with significantly fewer side effects. Like the US research team led by Mark Sulkowski of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (US state of Maryland) currently in the “New England Journal of Medicine” writes, the newly discovered process could apparently significantly increase the chances of recovery in hepatitis C. Accordingly, had a purely oral therapy with the two new, just in the US approved, active ingredients „sofosbuvir“ and „daclatasvir“ In 98% of the patients showed success - an important indication for the researchers that in the future may possibly be largely dispensed with the two drugs ribavirin or interferon.
Success in 98 percent of those affected by the virus genotype 1
The researchers studied the new procedure in a total of 211 patients and found that 98 percent of those affected by virus genotype 1 responded positively to therapy, even those in whom conventional therapy had previously had no effect. However, the genotypes 2 and 3 also had a positive effect on the researchers' use of the new active ingredients: „A total of 92% of the 26 patients with genotype 2 infection and 89% of 18 patients with genotype 3 infection showed a sustained virological response at week 12“, so the scientists in their article.
Approval may be later this year
For the physicians, a decisive step forward in order to treat hepatitis C patients in the future in a gentler and more compatible way with simultaneously higher efficacy. „Our extensive clinical trial programs have shown that daclatasvir has the potential to be used as a staple for multiple Hepatitis C treatments, "said Brian Daniels, member of the drug company's senior manegament team „Bristol-Myers Squibb“, who co-funded the studies. "If daclatasvir is approved, we would focus on helping to ensure availability for patients with limited treatment options and would work with EU health authorities to get access as soon as possible“, the company said in a press release. In the US, the drug is now approved - for Europe, the approval is still pending, but according to Bristol-Myers Squibb still expected for this year. (No)
Picture: Aka