Naturheilverfahren Kneippen becomes an intangible cultural heritage

Naturheilverfahren Kneippen becomes an intangible cultural heritage / Health News
The German UNESCO Commission has announced that the "Kneipp as a traditional knowledge and practice after the teachings of Sebastian Kneipp" was included in the nationwide list of intangible cultural heritage.

Kneipp - cure: Image: Kzenon - fotolia

At the beginning of the year, the city of Bad Wörishofen, the Kneipp Association e.V. and the Association of Kneipp Spas and Kneipp Health Resorts had submitted a joint application to UNESCO. The decision shows once more that Kneipp is up-to-date and modern, "said the President of the Kneipp Association, Marion Caspers-Merk, shortly after the announcement.

In addition to a brief description of Kneipp's naturopathic treatment, the application also contains a description of the five Kneipp elements and, as the name, titles "Kneipp therapy as traditional knowledge and practice according to the teachings of Sebastian Kneipp". The application is followed by a description of today's practice of Kneipp therapy and shows in which diverse ways the applicants promote, further develop and disseminate the Naturheilverfahren after Kneipp. More information can be found here.