Naturopathic petition in the Bundestag

Naturopathic petition in the Bundestag / Health News

Naturopathic treatment: petition in the Bundestag.

Until 15 December, there is still the opportunity to sign Petition 14388, which campaigns for the equality of naturopathy and conventional medicine. Hauptpetetent is Dr. med. Holger Liège, the country's managing director and chief executive officer of the German Democratic Party (ddp). Liège is by his own account a university teacher and psychological yoga therapist.

The petition requires, among other things, that the German Bundestag may decide that all effective procedures of naturopathy are reimbursable by the health insurances and university courses on various procedures such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are possible. In addition, funds are to be made available for further research in the field of natural medicine.

The text complains about the petition that many naturopathic treatments are not reimbursed for members of the statutory health insurance companies and thus they could not decide for themselves what their contributions would be used for. This is seen in the text as „a protectionist measure, which unilaterally benefits the physicians of conventional medicine“.

A Essen study, which went over six years and by the doctor for Naturheilverfahren Dr. med. K.-P. Schlebusch was conducted, it should therefore have proven that natural remedies „above-average success“ are. For example, in cases of asthma, pain disorders, chronic fatigue and susceptibility to infections, Sudie has been shown to have 500 chronically ill people, reducing costs by almost half the current cost.

So far, almost 20,000 votes have come together. With 50,000 votes, the petition would be relevant for the Bundestag. If you want to participate, you can sign here. However, a registration is required. (tf, 15.12.2010)

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