Natural medicine Chinese medicine explains

Natural medicine Chinese medicine explains / Health News

Naturopathic treatment: Chinese medicine understandably explained


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is mostly known in this country only through the acupuncture. The Chinese healing arts have much more to offer. Dr. Christian Schmincke will explain the advantages of Chinese medicine for the western world in a lecture this coming Tuesday in Karlsruhe. The physician is a physician for natural remedies and biochemists. Schmincke wants to explain how Chinese healing art can be used by humans to strengthen their health and the immune system in a way that is understandable even to laymen.

Dr. med. After 5 years of scientific work at the Max Planck Institute in virus research, Schmincke completed his medical studies and subsequently settled down as a physician. In the course of his medical activities followed an education in Chinese medicine and respiratory therapy. In 1996 he founded together with other physicians the clinic at the Steigerwald. The clinic mainly treats patients with chronic diseases and severe illnesses. In the therapy concept of the clinic, a variety of biological healing methods are integrated according to Chinese guidelines. The lecture will start on Tuesday the 8th of February at 8 pm in the reading café, Ständehausstraße 2 Karlsruhe. (Sb)