Naturheilung These herbal teas can increase our memory

Naturheilung These herbal teas can increase our memory / Health News
Certain herbal teas improve the memory or the mood
For a long time, people have used herbs to treat certain illnesses or to influence their mood. Researchers have now found that some herbs and herbal teas in the elderly can produce significant benefits of emotional mood and memory.

Researchers at Northumbria University found in their study that the herbs peppermint, chamomile, rosemary and lavender have an effect on mood and memory. This leads to considerable advantages, especially in older people. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Many people like to drink herbal tea. But not only the taste is crucial, but also the positive effect on body and mind. Medical professionals have found that certain types of herbal tea can enhance memory, alertness and wellbeing. (Image: Alexander Raths /

What effect different herbal teas?
For example, drinking mint tea improves your attention. Chamomile tea, on the other hand, has a calming effect, say the experts. Flavors such as rosemary and lavender can affect people over the age of 65 years. Rosemary improves the memory, while lavender impair the memory, the doctors add.

Experts investigate effects of tea consumption in 180 subjects
For their study, the researchers studied 180 volunteers. They either ate tea with chamomile or peppermint. After consumption, subjects were examined for cognition and mood. In addition, there was a control group, which consumed only hot water, explain the doctors.

Peppermint improves long-term memory
The scientists found that peppermint can improve mood and cognition. This also leads to an improvement in long-term memory and increased attention. Camomile, on the other hand, has a calming effect that worsens our attention and memory, experts say.

Scientists are also investigating the effects of certain flavors
In a separate study, 150 healthy people over the age of 65 were exposed to the smell of rosemary and lavender essential oils in a control room. In addition, there was one control group that was not exposed to any essential oils. Afterwards, the participants were asked to perform certain memory tests, the authors explain. In addition, the mood of the subjects was checked.

Rosemary aroma improves the memory significantly
Participants from the room with the rosemary fragrance showed a significantly improved memory, with 15 percent better test results than the subjects from the room without rosemary aroma. The rosemary scent also led to improved attention, say the doctors.

Lavender scent calms
When participants spent the time in a room with lavender fragrance, this led to a significantly increased inner peace and contentment. However, the ability to remember to perform certain activities at a given time decreased.

Peppermint tea also improves long-term memory
Peppermint is psychologically and mentally stimulating. Peppermint makes you more alert and improves your attention, says author Dr. Mark Moss from Northumbria University. The tests should check whether these positive effects are also produced when using peppermint tea. It turned out that the consumers of peppermint tea had better long-term memory. Those affected could remember more words and images they had seen before, adds the author.

Rosemary improves the memory of people over the age of 65 years
It has been said for a long time that rosemary affects our memory. When volunteers were exposed to rosemary flavor, the participants' attention increased. It has also been found in people over the age of 65 that rosemary can improve memory.

Detected effects are particularly strong in the elderly
It is interesting to see the different effects the herbs can have on mood and memory, say the authors. Especially in older people, the effects were particularly pronounced. The research shows that there is an easy way to improve his memory, say the experts.

Sage, ginseng and lemon balm have a positive effect on mental performance
Northumbria University scientists have already conducted a series of studies on the effects of herbs and substances on mood and memory. They were able to determine that, for example, sage, ginseng and lemon balm can also have positive effects on mental performance. (As)