Naturopathy Sesame oil helps with dry skin

Naturopathy Sesame oil helps with dry skin / Health News

Sesame oil can help with dry skin
In skin diseases that cause dry skin and dry mucous membranes, sesame oil can provide relief to those affected, because „It supports the removal of disturbing crusts and scabs, "emphasizes Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the research group Klostermedizin in Würzburg.

Sesame oil helps with dry mucous membranes
The cold, dry winter air and the warm, dry air in heated rooms are a relatively heavy burden on the mucous membranes. They dry out quickly and make the organism particularly prone to colds. „Sesame oil can prevent dehydration“ and contribute to a better cold protection, explains Johannes Gottfried Mayer. Even dry areas on the skin can be effectively treated by topical application of the oil, but caution is advised for persons with a particular susceptibility to allergies, as sesame oil may in rare cases also lead to allergic reactions. To protect the nasal mucosa, the sesame oil should be used either in the form of a spray or by direct rubbing of the nasal inner walls, the expert recommends.

Dark and light sesame oil
The sesame oil obtained from the white and black seeds of sesame (Sesamum indicum) is available as light and dark sesame oil. Here, the light, obtained from the natural seeds oil, which is used mainly in Asian and Oriental cuisine as cooking oil, is also suitable for skin care. The dark sesame oil, in which the seeds were roasted before pressing, however, has a typical, intense smell and taste and is used in small amounts as a seasoning when cooking. For skin care, this dark sesame oil is rather unsuitable. Further to prevent typical autumn diseases. (fp, 19.10.2010)