Naturopathy Swedish bitter with great effect

Naturopathy Swedish bitter with great effect / Health News

Small Swedish bitters with great effect

The fact that the Swedish bitter is now often reduced to the role of a digestive liqueur after greasy meals, the herbal drink scarcely does justice, considering the traditional experience with its curative effect in a variety of ailments and diseases.


  • Small Swedish bitters with great effect
  • Recommendations from the "Old Handwriting" of Dr. Ing. Samst
  • "What's bitter in the mouth is inwardly healthy"
  • Is the Swedish bitters more than the sum of its herbs?
  • Literature:
Herbal drink for health. Image: TwilightArtPictures - fotolia

Recommendations from the "Old Handwriting" of Dr. Ing. Samst

In particular, Maria Treben (1907-1991), who developed into a respected herbalist as a medical layman and whose herbal primer "Health from the Pharmacy of God" - translated into at least 18 languages ​​- became a worldwide success thanks to her great healing power. The recipe for the preparation of the "Little Swedish bittersweet" should then originally the estate of the Swedish doctor Dr. med. He came from Samst, who died in a riding accident at the age of 104, not least strengthened by his Swedish genetics.

Also handed down is the associated "Old Manuscript", which describes in 46 points the use of drops to cure many diseases. These include recommendations for internal and external use in pain of any kind, wound and scar healing, in women's complaints, for the elimination of gastrointestinal symptoms, colds, hearing loss, deafness, internal and external inflammatory processes and even serious infectious diseases (plague, pests , Smallpox). Nervous symptoms such as tremors, paralysis and epilepsy are to be cured in the same way as diseases of central organs (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs), depression and cancer.

"What's bitter in the mouth is inwardly healthy"

The little Swedish bittersweet contains eleven medicinal herbs, namely aloe (replaceable with gentian root or wormwood powder), natural camphor, myrrh, saffron, senna leaves, thera root (rhizome root), rhizomes root, manna, coneflower root and angelica root.

The main effect of the mixture is certainly due to the bitter substances (Amara), which are contained in almost all ingredients. Bitter substances stimulate digestion by increasing the secretion of saliva, gastric juice, bile and pancreas via taste buds and vagus nerve, which at first symptomatically alleviates feelings of bloating, flatulence and upper abdominal discomfort, but improves overall nutritional breakdown and absorption Metabolic process optimized and thus supports the self-healing powers of the entire organism. The circulation of all organs is improved and the liver is strengthened as a "poison center". In addition to the digestive power, however, the Swedish herbs also have other specific effects, some of which are given by way of example in order to meet the large range of activities of the Swedish bitters rudimentary.

Is the Swedish bitters more than the sum of its herbs?

Theriac is especially valued for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, condyle is sweaty, the Zittwerwurzel dissolve spasms and expels fungi from the intestine. The angelica root is also considered a diuretic bladder and kidney, while the aloe dermatologically highly effective and is also able to activate antibodies, feeding and killer cells of our immune system. Manna and Senna leaves act chair-softening (favorable for anal fissures) and laxative with persistent constipation. Natural camphor is said to have a regulating effect on states of mental and organic over- and under-functioning, it is often used in shock, fainting but also cardiovascular problems. Finally, saffron has a toning effect on the sexual organs, relieves menstrual cramps and is considered to be an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda.

Considering that the whole is always more than the sum of its parts, so taking into account the mutually potentiating (not scientifically recorded) mode of action of the individual ingredients within a herbal mixture, it is not surprising that the little Swede bittersweet with surnames like " Universal drop "and" elixir of life "is paid homage. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 05.09.2016)


Treben, Maria: "Health from the pharmacy of God", Steyr 1996
"Naturopathic Practice", issue 02/2009, "Phytotherapy"