Naturopathy Black nettle improves flatulence

Naturopathy Black nettle improves flatulence / Health News

Study showed: Black nettle improves flatulence
The black nettle is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. A small study provides first indications regarding the effect of nonspecific abdominal discomfort.

The black nettle (Perilla frutescens) is considered a Chinese remedy. In a small study, scientists investigated the effect of perilla extract on nonspecific abdominal discomfort (flatulence, bloating, bloated abdomen, abdominal grumbling).

The 50 study participants were randomized to receive two capsules of black nettle extract or placebo daily for four weeks. The subjects suffered at baseline from gastrointestinal complaints. At the end of the study, there was a significant decrease in gastrointestinal symptoms in the black nettle group. In the participants of the placebo group, the discomfort in the abdominal region improved. Especially bloating could be alleviated with the vegetable extract. Here is the abstract. (Pm)

Picture: Walter Eberl