Naturopathy Symposium in Leipzig

Naturopathy Symposium in Leipzig / Health News

Naturopathy Symposium in Leipzig: From pain, light, migraine therapy to new findings in infectology


On Saturday, March 1, 2014, the 3rd Naturopathy Symposium will take place in Leipzig. This specialist event of the Association of German Naturopaths e. V. (VDH) is the beginning of a year-round event series of the association, which takes place in different locations. The 2nd Naturopathy Symposium starts at 9:00 am (admission 8:30 am) with the official opening by VDH President Heinz Kropmanns and the Hahnemann Medal is awarded to Quiris Healthcare GmbH & Co. KG in the foyer of the Ramada Hotel Leipzig, Schongauerstrasse 39, 04329 Leipzig. The symposium ends with a raffle and prizes around 6:00 pm. The entrance fee for the entire lecture program and the visit of the accompanying industry exhibition incl. Lunch is 5.00 €. All non-medical practitioners as well as all career aspirants and physicians working in natural history from Saxony and neighboring areas are addressed.

The exchange of knowledge and experiences about naturopathic ways of healing is particularly important in today's time and therefore the professional education and training is a must of the profession. All therapists and therapists can only meet the ever-increasing demands in the practice if they deal with the further development of their therapy procedures, the legislation and inform themselves about novelties in the naturopathic pharmaceutical sector. Especially in recent times a lot has happened in this area.

The program of the 3rd Naturopathy Symposium offers visitors 21 presentations during the day - ranging from various approaches to bowel, light and pain therapy, migraine as a common disease to new findings in infectology -, as an opportunity for professional development and also for direct exchange of views. This exchange of knowledge and experiences about naturopathic healing methods is of particular importance for all active naturopaths and non-medical practitioner candidates. Continuing professional development is necessary for all representatives of this free profession in order to meet the ever-increasing demands in daily practice, both technically and organisationally. The further development of medical practices, changed legislation and innovations of the approximately 40 exhibiting naturopathic pharmaceutical companies as well as technical and service providers provide a basis for professional and personal exchange. (Pm)

Image: S. Hofschlaeger /