Naturopathy helps with venous disorders

Naturopathy helps with venous disorders / Health News

For heavy legs and venous diseases help medicinal plants


In modern venous therapy, natural remedies occupy an important place. First and foremost, so-called phytotherapy, a treatment with exclusively herbal substances, is used. For venous disorders, experts recommend extracts from horse chestnuts and red vine leaves.

Prevent swelling of the legs with horse-chestnuts and red vine leaves
The vein walls are sealed by the active ingredients of horse chestnut and red vine leaves, so that fluid can no longer enter the tissue and edema, water retention and heavy legs are prevented. In addition, the plant substances stabilize the scaffold of the veins, have a firming, anti-inflammatory and astringent and support the blood circulation. Phlebologists, specialists in venous disorders, also advise against long-distance flights to take medication from red vine leaves or horse chestnuts. According to a study, healthy subjects were protected by the phytochemicals on a 14-hour flight from swelling of the legs. Since phytotherapeutics develop their healing effect after some time, the drugs should be taken some time before a flight. As part of the study, participants started taking it just ten days before departure.

Doctors recommend buying phytotherapeutics in a pharmacy and not in the drugstore. For approved, pharmacy-only drugs, a scientific proof of efficacy must be provided, not for drugstore drugs.

Other naturopathic treatment options for heavy legs
In the field of natural medicine, measures are primarily intended to stimulate fluid outflow from the legs and to eliminate drainage obstructions for the treatment of leg swelling. In a structural disease of the legs, however, this treatment method can hardly achieve improvement. Kneipp cures with cold leg joints, high leg support, gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscle pump, assisting the bloodstream with muscular movements, special breathing techniques and mechanical treatments, including osteopathy or Rolfing, are also often part of a naturopathic treatment Legs. Massages to promote blood circulation and lymph drainage are also recommended. (Ag)

Image: Norbert Svojtka