Naturopathy helpful in addiction therapies

Naturopathy helpful in addiction therapies / Health News

Naturopathy helpful in addiction diseases.

Since 2009, around 500 addicts have been treated at the Salzburg Double Clinic in Austria. The use of natural remedies and relaxation methods has greatly reduced the use of medicines. A clear advantage: The use of natural remedies significantly reduced unwanted side effects caused by medicines. The project manager and psychiatrist Stefan Brunnuber told ORF: The treatment methods are very well received by patients. Overall, the dose of so-called pharmaceuticals was reduced by around 50 percent.

Naturopathic acupuncture, liver wrap and breathing exercises
Around 500 patients are being treated at the Salzburg Psychiatry II due to addiction disorders. Naturopathic treatments include classical acupuncture, liver wraps to detoxify the body, breathing exercises for anxiety and panic attacks, as well as different teas for inner restlessness and sleep disorders.

The psychiatrist and physician Stefan Brunnhuber has introduced the new methods: "Overall, we can make a very positive assessment, patients benefit from the treatment methods, which also has an impact on the staff, the coexistence on the ward and also on the cost structure "We were able to reduce drug costs by almost 50 percent while improving care."

Patients accept therapy well
The patients are extremely positive about the new treatments. Previously, they only knew about the daily administration of medication and psychotherapy. After the introduction of naturopathic treatments, patients were able to learn to take their lives into their own hands again. It is striking that many now take more responsibility for themselves and put off their passive attitude towards the therapy. Because they do not just get any medicines in their hands, they stand in close contact with the therapists during the treatments. The Salzburg Doppel-Klinik / Psychiatrie II is the first clinic in Austria to successfully use natural healing methods in combination with conventional therapies for addictive diseases. (sb, 01.10.2010)

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