Naturopathy inhibits swine flu viruses

Naturopathy inhibits swine flu viruses / Health News

Naturopathy: Mustard oils apparently inhibit the proliferation of swine flu viruses


Mustard oils from horseradish and nasturtium are apparently able to effectively combat the proliferation of influenza viruses. This has been shown by studies at the Institute of Medical Virology at the University of Giessen. A decisive advantage of plant substances is probably that they - unlike synthetic flu remedies - do not lead to the development of resistance.

To detect possible deadly consequences of pandemic influenza viruses like „avian Flu“ or „swine flu“ Many governments have stored large amounts of the flu drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir. However, there are increasing indications that the expensive investment was premature. Scientist of „Cochrane Collaboration“ Recently, the alleged efficacy of these drugs, the so-called neuraminidase inhibitors, has been seriously questioned. In addition, it has previously been shown that flu viruses can rapidly develop resistance to synthetic drugs.

For extracts from horseradish root and Nasturtium herb, whose antiviral properties have recently been proven against the swine flu virus, such problems are not to be feared. A working group of Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Pleschka, Giessen, has studied the effect of three mustard oils derived from horseradish root and nasturtium on human lung cells on the new influenza virus H1N1. The result was surprisingly clear: Each of the three mustard oils investigated was able to reduce the growth of dangerous influenza viruses by about 90 percent in the laboratory.

Previous studies at Freiburg University Hospital have demonstrated the antibacterial activity of mustard oils against multidrug-resistant strains of staphylococci, with the results of recent research on these substances opening up a new field of application. Prof. Pleschka therefore announced further studies to further decrypt the mode of action of mustard oils in order to further substantiate their effectiveness against influenza viruses. Clinical studies are to follow. (KFN 04/2011)

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