Naturopathy home remedies Heal migraine and sore throat with marshmallow

Naturopathy home remedies Heal migraine and sore throat with marshmallow / Health News
The current mild temperatures make it easy to stay outside only with light clothing. Not infrequently, this leads to a cold. The result: cough, runny nose, hoarseness. But you do not have to resort to medication right away. There are many well-tried home remedies for cold available.
Marshmallow for colds
When your nose runs in the fall and winter and your throat is scratching, you do not have to resort to medicines right away. Many health experts advise trying it on a cold first with naturopathy. Sage, chamomile and eucalyptus are known as home remedies for colds. But even less familiar medicinal plants can bring relief in an infection. As a home remedy for cough, for example, marshmallow is suitable. The plant dampens the cough and relieves sore throat. This was pointed out by the magazine "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte" (issue November 15), according to news agency dpa. To prepare a marshmallow tea, allow the cut root to be drawn in cold water for 90 minutes. To drink, you can then heat the tea a bit. Marshmallow can also be well with other plants, such as ribwort or mallow, to prepare a medicinal plant tea for dry cough.

Wrap with cottage cheese or potatoes
Also swallowing and sore throat can be relieved quickly with home remedies. Among other things, editions of quark or potatoes can help here, as recommended by the consumer initiative Bundesverband in its brochure "Grandma's home remedy". To make a quark wrap, coat warm Quark cheese about a centimeter thick on a cotton cloth, then beat the edges and place the bottom of the cloth on the neck, leaving the spine out. Then the whole thing is still wrapped as closely as possible, for example, with a tea towel. When the quark has dried after about 20 to 40 minutes, the roll should be removed.

Home remedies simply prepared
For a potato wrap two to three small potatoes are cooked soft and spread on a cotton cloth. In the middle you put kitchen paper. Then come the hot potatoes, which are covered with kitchen paper. Then the cloth is wrapped so that a packet is formed. Now the potatoes are about crushed with a mug until the packet is about one and a half inches thick. Then let it cool down. The wrist can be used to measure the optimal temperature. Then the packet comes with the bottom on the neck and is attached with a tea towel or the like. It is best to let the wrap work for one hour. (Ad)