Naturopathy home remedies relieve sore throat

Naturopathy home remedies relieve sore throat / Health News

Naturopathic home remedies can relieve sore throats and aid the healing process


A constant scratching sensation and pain in the throat after swallowing drinks or eating are typical signs of a flu infection (mild cold). Especially in winter, many people suffer from the typical cold symptoms. The administration of strong medicines or even antibiotics is not recommended, with antibiotics not working anyway, if a virus infection is present. If no serious symptoms such as high fever or chills are noticed, sufferers can resort to proven home remedies.

The chemist Erika Fink recommends to take mous with extracts of chamomile, lime blossom, sage, ribwort, thyme and the Icelandic medicinal plant for typical symptoms of a cold. The plant extracts act against inflammation depending on their nature and are astringent. In addition, the medicinal plants can form a protective layer on the damaged and irritated mucous membrane. In pharmacies, health food stores or health food stores, the medicinal plants are available in highly compressed form either as juice or as dragees. Thyme and sage teas can also help relieve the symptoms and support the healing process. If the symptoms do not recede or even worsen, a GP should be consulted.

Patients should also drink plenty of water and tea to support the healing process. In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided. Since pathogens multiply best in heated rooms, the rooms should be ventilated more often. Other home remedies for sore throat. (Sb)

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Picture: Joujou