Naturopathy spices lower blood lipid levels

Spices lower blood lipid levels and reduce insulin production
According to a Pennsylvania State University study, spices can lower blood lipid levels and insulin production. In a mini-study, six healthy but overweight subjects were served three-course meals over two days. In one menu, the researchers used peppers, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, and black pepper. The other menu was served non-spiced. In the comparative study laboratory-medically metabolic differences were determined. As a result, spicy foods were not only more beneficial in taste, but also in health.
Herbs lower blood lipid levels
Fresh herbs and dried spices can lower blood lipid levels and insulin production after eating. That's what a study by Pennsylvania State University researchers found. During the mini-study, six male healthy overweight men were served a three-course meal on two days each. On the first day the food was not seasoned and on the second day a meal with spices and herbs was served. The researchers made sure to use the test remedies on the second pass spices such as turmeric, cloves, peppers, oregano, rosemary, cinnamon and freshly ground black pepper. All spices are said to have an antioxidant effect.
After the meal, the scientists checked the blood lipid levels, blood pressure and insulin content of each participant at 30 minutes after the meal. The review continued in six more steps. Compared to the non-spiced food, the values were significantly better. Although the spicy food was high in fat, the triglyceride level dropped by an average of 30 percent. Permanently elevated levels may increase the risk of thrombosis and arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels. In addition, reduced production of insulin was noted after the spiced meal. According to the laboratory results, an average of 20 percent less insulin was produced in comparison.
Spices in Naturopathy
In natural medicine, spices and herbs have always been used as remedies. For example, rosemary is prescribed as a remedy for chronic circulatory disorders. Thyme has an anticonvulsant effect and is used for bronchitis and cough. Cloves are considered antibacterial and are used in mouth and computer inflammations. Popularly and scientifically recognized is garlic. Those who eat garlic daily are proven to lower the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. The garlic is said to have an antibacterial effect. The tuber is most commonly used in fungal diseases. (Sb)
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Image: Tomsk