Naturopathy Healthy pomegranate

Naturopathy Healthy pomegranate / Health News

The health-promoting effect of pomegranate


The pomegranate has been valued for millennia because of its health-promoting effect in natural medicine. Celebrities like Mick Jagger and Madonna swear by the berry-like fruit, which looks like an apple and should delay the aging process. But the pomegranate can do more. So he is supposed to be aphrodisiac in men and women.

Use pomegranate to prevent cardiovascular discomfort
Pomegranates originally grew mainly in western to central Asia on small trees or shrubs. Today, the fruits are grown in the Mediterranean. The Paradise apple or Grenadine, as it is also called, was an integral part of medicine early on. From the Middle Ages his use for combating roundworms is known. In ancient Egypt, it was used primarily to increase fertility and was generally considered a symbol of fertility. Even today, many people still believe in the aphrodisiac effect of pomegranate. So he should increase lust in the woman and increase the potency in men.

Scientifically proven is the positive effect of pomegranate on the cardiovascular system. If it is consumed regularly, the circulation of the heart muscle, among other things, should improve, so that a heart attack can be prevented. In addition, it has been shown that the diameter of the carotid artery walls in arteriosclerosis patients can be reduced by consuming a pomegranate preparation for one year.

Kernels of pomegranate contain many health-promoting substances
As small power cells could be called up to 400 pomegranate seeds. They are particularly rich in flavonoids, including polyphenols, which are said to help combat high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, vascular calcification, bacterial infections and stomach disorders. The plant substances are also stimulating the metabolism.

In natural medicine, the consumption of pomegranate juice is also recommended in fungal infections (Candida albicans), as the polyphenols have a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa and thus fight bacteria and fungi. In addition, the pomegranate contains plenty of antioxidants and has a stronger antioxidant effect than fruits such as cranberries, blueberries and grapes and red wine and green tea. Antioxidants work cell-protecting by trapping free radicals. This also inhibits the aging process and supports the immune system. Not infrequently, anti-aging skin care products contain pomegranate extracts. The fruits also contain vitamin C, calcium, potassium and iron. In particular, hair, skin and nails benefit from it. Pomegranate juice can also be used as a home remedy for iron deficiency.

Another positive effect of pomegranate relates to the PSA value of the man who can give an indication of prostate cancer. A high value usually indicates a disease of the organ. According to a US study, men who drank a quarter of pomegranate juice for several months a day were able to reduce their PSA levels.

The bitter substances of the fruit also have appetite stimulating and digestive. A glass of pomegranate juice or pomegranate seeds stimulate the stomach and intestine after eating positively. (Ag)

Picture: Katharina Wieland Müller