Naturopathy against prostate cancer

Naturopathy against prostate cancer / Health News

UKE offers naturopathy to activate the self-healing powers of prostate cancer


Naturopathy, as a complementary treatment for cancer, can help to activate the self-healing powers and overcome the cancer. For this reason, for example, the Martini-Klinik of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) offers a complementary medical treatment for prostate cancer patients, which should help them "to do their body good and to stop the disease and the symptoms". , reports Imke Thederan, urologist and nutritionist as well as expert in naturopathic treatment of the Martini-Klinik.

According to the latest UKE report, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men, and diagnosis is overwhelming for those affected. Many want to take on the fight against the disease themselves and improve the chances of recovery through a healthy lifestyle, reports the Urlogin Thederan. The Martini-Klinik at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf has responded to the rising demand for alternative treatment with a new complementary medical offer. With the power of nature, the self-healing powers of the patients should be activated.

Picture: Daisies

Naturopathic treatment with scientifically proven effects
The market has a wealth of advice and recommendations that promise to help, but the question arises as to which methods of complementary medicine are actually effective in promoting self-healing, UKE reports. The UKE's largest prostate cancer center in the world would therefore only offer procedures "whose positive effect on prostate cancer patients has been scientifically proven." Here UKE calls mistletoe therapy and drug therapies that can improve the quality of life after radiotherapy. The holistic concept was individually tailored to the patient's oncological therapy. This is to be understood as meaningful addition to the conventional treatment according to the principles of conventional medicine. "We do not offer off-the-peg unit tips, but advise each patient individually," explains Dr. med. Imke Thederan. Following the patient talk, this will receive a written summary of the developed suggestions for the overall concept of the treatment.

Patients must pay for the complementary medical services themselves
For example, stand on "a healthy diet pomegranate and green tea - on the other hand, red meat and spicy dishes are to be avoided," continues the Hamburg urologist. In addition, moderate exercise sessions of 30 minutes of sports daily are beneficial for many patients. "Every cancer patient has the key to support himself in the hand," the expert said. Around 2,200 prostate surgeries are performed at the Martini-Klinik every year, and over 20 years the outcome quality of operations has been systematically collected and documented through patient surveys, the UKE reports. For about a year, the clinic has offered monthly informational events on complementary medicine, with "the great interest of prostate cancer patients and relatives in forcing nutritionists to focus on naturopathic care," said UKE. However, the complementary medical advice so far remains an individual health service (IGeL) and the costs are usually not covered by the statutory health insurance or private health insurance. (Fp)