Naturopathy Cannabis heals broken bones

Naturopathy Cannabis heals broken bones / Health News
Bone fractures heal much faster through cannabis drug
Numerous medical applications of cannabis are already known. Israeli scientists from the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University have now identified another benefit of cannabis. The non-psychoactive drug cannabidiol (CBD) let bone fractures heal faster and stronger, the researchers report in the journal "Journal of Bone and Mineral Research".

Cannabis accelerates the healing of broken bones. (Image: Opra /

The study leader Yankel Gabet of Tel Aviv University and Professor Itai Bab of the Hebrew University have already found evidence in previous studies that cannabis promotes bone formation and inhibits bone resorption. In their current study, they now used rats to investigate the effects of cannabidiol on a fracture of the femur. "We find that CBD alone restores more bone during healing and enhances maturation in the collagen matrix, which forms the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue," Dr. Gabet in the journal "ScienceDaily" from the current study. The probability of a renewed break at the same place thus decreases significantly.

Improved treatment of fractures possible
Cannabis is known for its soothing effects on symptoms of Parkinson's disease, cancer or multiple sclerosis, the researchers report. However, the positive effect on the bone substance has so far been largely unexplored. In their experiments, the Israeli scientists have now shown that CBD has a far-reaching effect on bone reconstruction after a fracture. "The clinical potential of cannabinoid-related compounds is simply undeniable at this point," Dr. Gabet. Although there is still a lot of work to be done before a suitable therapy can be used to treat patients, the researchers were confident that in the future, the healing of fractures by the active ingredient CBD significantly improve. (Fp)