Naturopathy birch bark against overweight

Naturopathy birch bark against overweight / Health News

Birch bark as a remedy for metabolic problems and overweight. Chinese researchers have discovered that the birch bark drug betulin can help fight obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis.


As part of their study, researchers led by Bao-Liang Song of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai tested the drug betulin and the already available cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin in mice. The result was that the active substance derived from birch bark lowered cholesterol levels, prevented overgrowth and had a positive effect on rodents' blood fat levels and sugar metabolism, according to the scientists in the current issue of the journal „Cell metabolism“ to report. In addition, the betulin-treated mice would be less prone to atherosclerotic deposits in the blood vessels called arteriosclerosis.

Active ingredient from birch bark positive for the metabolism
The Chinese scientists divided the mice into three different groups for their study, one receiving the cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin, another the drug betulin, and the third merely a placebo. Then Song and his team fed them mice for six weeks with very high-fat food. At the end of the study period, the mice of the lovastatin and betulin groups had increased significantly less than the animals of the control group, the researchers report from their study. However, their research has shown that lovastatin and betulin work very differently, said Bao-Liang Song of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Lovastatin has apparently reduced fat intake from food while Betulin has caused the animals to burn more calories, the experts explain as part of their publication. Further studies have also shown that the animals of the betulin group had lower blood and liver fat levels and, in addition, responded better to the blood sugar-regulating hormone insulin, a property that is severely limited in type 2 diabetes patients. For example, researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences conclude that betulin is at least equivalent to the active substance lovastatin and may even provide slight benefits.

Effect of Betulin Interesting for Medical Use
The birch bark drug targets a group of proteins called SREBPs in the body, which normally activate different genes that the body needs to build up cholesterol and fatty acids, Song and colleagues explained the results of their study. By blocking the SREBPs, betulin slows down the activity of the respective genes, thus bringing about the positive effects on fat and sugar metabolism, the Chinese researchers further explained. This fundamental effect on the metabolism makes the substance particularly interesting for medical use, as it in the end counteracts several metabolic problems that are considered to be the cause of cardiovascular diseases. High levels of cholesterol, for example, are the main risk factor for arteriosclerosis, which in turn is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences said. Also high blood lipid levels are among the risk factors for arteriosclerosis and also appear to play a role in the emergence of diabetes, so that here also beta-beta show a positive effect, the scientists said.

If the positive effect observed in the mice is also confirmed for humans, Betulin could in the future form the basis for the development of new drugs for diabetes and similar diseases, according to the hope of Song and his research colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In this case, the betulin in medicine has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. But to confirm the now discovered capabilities as a blood lipid lowering agent, is in the view of Bao -Liang Song still a lot of research needed.

Birch bark in natural medicine
Naturopathy has known the beneficial effects of birch bark for a long time. The birch bark is used for blood purification, as a remedy for cystitis, kidney stones, rheumatism and gout by alternative practitioners. In addition, birch bark relieves eczema, allergies and dandruff. The scientific study now confirms the beneficial effects of tree bark. (Fp)

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Picture: Andreas Hermsdorf