Naturopathy comfrey extract in case of injuries

Naturopathy comfrey extract in case of injuries / Health News

Comfrey extract convinces in the treatment of blunt trauma of children

According to recent surveys, 1.67 million children in Germany have to be treated medically every year after an accident. Even greater is the number of everyday trivial injuries, which are doctored by the mother or father without medical help. An ointment from aboveground parts of the medicinal plant comfrey can thereby provide a demonstrably effective aid, a recent study Berlin children and adolescents.

Comfrey extracts relieve discomfort. (Image: Synelnychenko Dmytro / fotolia)

The effectiveness and tolerability of a pain ointment, the 10% preparation of the special comfrey congenital Symphytum uplandicum Nyman 'Harras', was examined in 36 pediatric children's clinics in 361 injured children between the ages of 4 and 12 years (publication in print). The time of the treated injury - 203 bruises, 76 strains and 85 sprains - could not have been more than 48 hours ago. Controls took place after three to five and seven to nine days. Symptoms such as painful pressure, pain in movement, limitations of mobility, degree of swelling and hematoma were documented.

The evaluation of the data of 292 (82.0%) patients showed clear results:
- Statistically highly significant improvements were found in all controls (Wilcoxon test p< 0,001).
- In 45 percent of the children, the improvement began on the second or third day of treatment.
- The median of the whole group was four days.
- The tolerability was excellent: only two patients reported itching after the first application.
- The treating pediatricians were satisfied in 89.2 percent of the cases with the treatment success.

Even more clearly was the assessment by the parents of the small patients: 90 percent of them gave the treatment with comfrey pain ointment the grade "good" or "very good". The effectiveness of the ointment ointment has been demonstrated earlier in a number of adult clinical studies. The current research shows that this treatment is also suitable for children. (KFN 09/2011)

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Picture: Joujou