Naturopathy treat diabetes holistically

Naturopathy treat diabetes holistically / Health News

Traditional Chinese medicine strengthens the body's clarifying function


Diabetes does not hurt. However, the impaired insulin action leads in the long run to severe vascular damage and increases the risk of life-threatening diseases such as stroke and heart attack many times over. More than seven million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. Ninety percent of them are in Type 2, so-called adult-onset diabetes - including more and more young patients. Tendency rising significantly. The classic medical care is limited to that „To adjust“ the blood sugar levels and a drug treatment of secondary diseases. On the other hand, traditional Chinese medicine gets to the root of the disease and achieves sustainable success.

„From the point of view of Chinese medicine, the cause of the blood sugar derailment in diabetes is a 'general disorder' of body and soul,“ explains Dr. Christian Schmincke, General Practitioner and Head of the Chinese Medicine Clinic at Steigerwald. „An oversupply of food, but also of feelings and information creates a traffic jam that obstructs supply and disposal routes.“ The effect of the body's own insulin is therefore not or inadequate in the cells. To make up for this, the pancreas produces more and more insulin and is depleted in the long run. Besides the classic problem of over-supply of food, the lack of exercise, TCM raises the question of why. Many patients regularly ask questions like: „Why do not I say no?“, „Why am I eating too much??“ or „Why do not I move?“ If Chinese medicine dissolves these at the emotional as well as the behavioral level, Chinese remedies can do the rest of the clarification work.

In contrast to conventional medicine, which simply tries to manage age-related diabetes with medication as well as possible, the Chinese drug therapy therefore plays on a different level. The Chinese have with the concept of „Tan“ set up a comprehensive treatment program that works well with diabetes. Tan stands for „transferable substances“. The comprehensive diagnosis of Chinese medicine therefore covers the causes of diabetes, taking the finest body signals into account, and relies on the draining effect of Chinese herbs, tubers and roots. In addition, special additives stimulate the blood circulation and thus promote the natural supply of tissue. „It is important to adapt the composition of Chinese raw medicines to the constitution and needs of western patients“, emphasizes the doctor specializing in Chinese medicine. On the basis of these individually tailored recipes, the experts produce special decoctions - also known as decoctions - which the patients consume in small sips throughout the day. Numerous studies prove the effect of this alternative treatment.

Acupuncture and body therapies such as Qi Gong, as other important pillars of Chinese medicine, flank this strategy and also help to strengthen the body's clarifying functions. The goal is to restore the natural balance of insulin production and utilization, and to provide those affected with a permanent, non-medicated solution that prevents dangerous side effects and subsequent damage. (Pm)