Naturopathy works in polyneuropathy

Naturopathy works in polyneuropathy / Health News

Traditional Chinese medicine has a lasting effect on neurological disorders


Polyneuropathy is one of the most common diseases of the nervous system and causes unpleasant numbness tingling in feet and legs and severe pain when walking. In the further course, affected persons usually lose more and more of the feeling of ground under their feet and thus the ability to coordinate. The gait gets clumsy and uncertain. Many people only end up with the wheelchair. Particularly treacherous: Initially, the neurological disorder difficult to diagnose, but in the late stages of conventional medicine then often lack the means to stop the disease. In most cases, the therapy is limited to the administration of medication to make everyday life with polyneuropathy more bearable. In many cases, the drugs do not work or have serious side effects. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, gets to the root of the causes and thus improves the condition in a sustainable way. According to one study, 90 percent of patients benefit from this holistic approach.

„According to the Chinese understanding of illness, the cause of the nervous disease in unwanted substances that accumulate by over-demanding the clarification functions for years in the body and affect the micro-circulation in the tissue“, explains Dr. Christian Schmincke, general practitioner and director of the TCM-specialized clinic at the Steigerwald. This so-called tan impedes the internal supply and disposal processes and increases the mucus. The focus of the treatment concept is therefore the use of Chinese medicines, which break this vicious cycle and strengthen the body's ability to excrete. The individually tailored formulas contain substances that mobilize, convert and excrete tan. „In most cases, this can be a significant improvement in individual symptoms of polyneuropathy“, reports Schmincke.

Acupuncture and body-therapeutic measures support the recovery process. Gentle needle stimulation, massages and qigong exercises help to solve causative energy blockages and painful tensions. In the Klinik am Steigerwald alone, more than 1,000 polyneuropathy patients have been successfully treated with this holistic approach in the last 10 years. More than 50 percent of those affected improved their health sustainably, others at least often stopped the disease process. „This result is particularly important in view of the fact that the disease was already well advanced in most cases and conventional medicine was unable to reverse or arrest the painful disease process“, emphasizes Schmincke.

To prevent the formation of tan, the TCM expert recommends that you refrain as much as possible from dairy products and eat as early as possible and light in the evening. Even better, fast one or two evenings a week. The stimulating influences from the outside can be easily reduced with small changes in behavior. „Simply letting go of the TV not only relieves the sorting function of the body, but also relaxes the soul“, emphasizes Schmincke. (Pm)