Naturopathy among patients high in the course

Naturopathy among patients high in the course / Health News

Natural medicine among patients and doctors is very popular.

(23.03.2010) Naturopathic procedures enjoy a surprisingly high reputation among German physicians. Ninety-seven percent of physicians use (also) naturopathic therapies in their practice, among them preferably phytotherapy. This is the result of a recent survey among the readers of the journal „Munich Medical Weekly Journal“ (MMW-FdM. No.24 / 2010 (152 y.), 21).

The desire of many patients for less „chemistry“ and more „nature” is unmistakable. Doctors are approached daily by their patients on possible options of natural medicine. 59 percent of the physicians participating in the survey state that they were from their patients „very often“ to be asked about naturopathic therapies, 20 percent received „frequently“ and another 12 percent at least „occasionally“ such requests. Only one percent of all doctors will according to their own information „never“ faced with a question about natural medicine. The interest in natural medicine in chronically ill and mothers is particularly great.

Almost every doctor (98 percent!) Is willing to respond to his patients' request for natural treatment. Herbal medicines are most commonly used for respiratory infections, such as colds, bronchitis and sinusitis. Another common application of phytopharmaceuticals are gastrointestinal complaints such. B. irritable bowel syndrome. But also in the indications of pain, allergies, fatigue, sleep disorders and depression, doctors often resort to naturopathic remedies.

For six years, however, the doctors have no choice but to prescribe their patients natural remedies, especially on the green recipe or on a private prescription. Since the health reform, the health insurance companies only come in a few exceptional cases for the cost of these drugs. As a result, many herbal medicines are excluded, their benefits and their safety has been proven beyond doubt by scientific studies. (PM Committee Research Natural Medicine eV)