Naturopathy in men's diseases good and effective

Naturopathy in men's diseases good and effective / Health News

Naturopathy: Plant medicine in men's disease effective and well tolerated.

(19.04.2010) As reported by the Committee of Research Natural Medicine (KFN) today in a recent press release, the urologist Prof. Dr. med. Sökeland in Dortmund the effectiveness of preparations from medicinal plants on low to moderate prostate problems has been re-established. In particular, the combination of saw palmetto and stinging nettle has proven to be effective and well tolerated in long-term studies.

As early as 1997 Sökeland published results of a placebo-controlled, double-blind multicenter study in which 543 men with prostate problems over 52 weeks were treated with a chemical urological or with a saw palmetto nettle preparation. Comparable efficacy showed a better tolerability of the phytotherapeutic agent.

Also in recent randomized double-blind studies from the years 2005 and 2006, the combination of saw palmetto and stinging nettle could be distinguished by good compatibility with the same efficacy compared to conventional drugs (alpha blockers). Because of unwanted side effects, the latter are discontinued by 60-70 percent of patients after 12 months.

In old age, the man's prostate enlarges gradually (benign prostate syndrome, short BPS), so that the urine can no longer pass the urinary tract freely. This leads to discomfort when urinating, also promotes remaining in the bladder residual urine the emergence of infections in the urinary tract. If it comes to the return of urine into the kidneys, this can even lead to impaired kidney function.

Traditionally, the fruits of saw palmetto have been used by Native Americans for prostate problems and bladder infections. Today, in addition to the antiseptic effect, its inhibitory influence on the transformation of the male hormone testosterone to DHT, which is probably involved in prostate enlargement, is known. For its part, the root of the nettle does not counteract the growth of the prostate. Its effect is to alleviate urinary symptoms by increasing the amount and flow of urine, but decreasing the amount of residual urine. (Jv)

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