Naturopathy for headaches lasting

Naturopathy for headaches lasting / Health News
When the head beats and hurts with every movement throbbing, affected people usually needed immediate help. Many then resort to the painkiller, so as not to be restricted in everyday life. Anyone who wants to do without medication can also benefit from naturopathic measures that help with acute pain. Even those who want to prevent long-term headaches or migraines, the alternative healing methods such as Chinese medicine can help.

Rising foot bath for acute headache
Those who suffer from severe headaches should try a rising foot bath. Put a bucket in the bathtub and fill to the knee with warm water. Gradually run hot water, always so much that the temperature is just bearable. After 20 minutes, dry legs and rest covered.

Naturopathy can relieve headaches. Image: vkph - fotolia

Acupressure often helps immediately
Also acupressure helps. "Acupuncture points without needles are stimulated by pressing, combined with circular movements or with pushing and swiping," explains Dr. med. Christian Schmincke, Chief Physician of the Steigerwald Clinic and expert in Chinese medicine and biological healing. "This can be used to release blockages and treat headaches." Particularly suitable are points 3E3a and Ni1 (see Fig.). For acupuncture with needles, alternative medicine uses 100 different points. For her, headache is not just a headache. With apparently the same symptoms can be completely different causes. Only a proper Chinese diagnosis allows you to select the effective points.

Lemon wrap on the feet
Even a lemon wrap on the feet is able to relieve headaches. Wrap the lemon slices in a kitchen crepe and tie them to the soles of the feet with a triangular cloth. If heat is comfortable, a hot water bottle can be placed under your feet. The lemon penetrates over the skin into the feet, stimulates the foot reflex zones and the headache is relieved. After half an hour remove and rub in with a little oil.

Lavender headbands are relaxing
Also lavender headbands for external use help against headaches. They have an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. Fill a cotton bag with lavender flowers and drizzle it with lavender essential oil from the pharmacy. Fix the bag where it is pleasant and the pain most acute.

Long-term therapy with Chinese medicine
Anyone who wants to do something for a headache or migraine over the long term will find help in the concept of Chinese medicine. For them are cold offenses, too much stress, digestive problems or disorders of the female cycle in the background of the disease. With Chinese drug therapy, these causes can be treated well. This makes it possible, for example, to reduce the seizure frequency in migraine and to activate self-healing powers. "In doing so, Chinese medicine stands for therapies tailored to the individual patient and a holistic view" Schmincke. About 80% of patients, according to one study, benefit from it two years after the therapy. Body therapies and healthy nutrition support healing processes.

Acupressure points 3E3a and Ni1
Kidney 1Acupoint 3A 3a3E3a - this is the name of an acupuncture point on the left back of the hand, which can relieve headache. It is a painful point. He "liberates the head" and patient massaging of this point takes a headache.

The acupuncture point Ni 1 also has a pain-relieving effect on headaches. To massively massage this with some olive or sesame oil. Then rest with a prepared hot water bottle on your feet. (Pm)