Nature can work The medicinal plant Galphimia glauca has an effect on anxiety disorders

Nature can work The medicinal plant Galphimia glauca has an effect on anxiety disorders / Health News
Medicinal plant eased anxiety
Mexican researchers succeeded in demonstrating the effect of Galphimia glauca's plant extract on anxiety disorders. The surprising: After just one week, the patients reported an improvement.

Medicinal plant can inhibit anxiety. Picture: Galphimia glaucalinjerry-fotolia

With their study, the researchers wanted to review the experience of Mexican natural medicine. There, Galphimia is traditionally used as a tranquilizer in mental disorders. You also wanted to review the results of a previous study on the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of galphimia.

103 outpatients with generalized anxiety disorder were randomized to receive either a daily dose of up to 0.700 mg of the standardized extract galphimine-B in capsule form or 0.5 mg lorazepam over a period of 12 weeks. After the 12 weeks of therapy followed three weeks of "withdrawal".

The overall duration of study showed significant superiority of galphimia extract according to the Hamilton anxiety scale used. In addition, fewer side effects were observed in the galphimia group.

Interestingly, a low dose of galphimine B extract showed positive effects in patients with generalized anxiety disorder as early as the first week. (Source: Herrera-Arellano A, Jiménez-Ferrer JE, Zamilpa A, García-Alonso G, Herrera-Alvarez S, Tortoriello J. Therapeutic efficacy of Galphimia glauca vs. lorazepam in generalized anxiety disorder A controlled 15-week clinical trial. Planta Med 2012; 78: 1529-1535)