Nature can help relieve eczema with climate help

Nature can help relieve eczema with climate help / Health News
Nature helps: reduce eczema with climate and radon
People with eczema usually suffer very severely: the skin is thickened, red and dry-flaky or she is wet. In any case, it itches very much and sufferers often scratch their skin bloody. Especially in the summer sufferers also have a high emotional distress, because of the redness or bloody, inflammatory encrustations avoid short clothes for fear of the eyes of others. For some time relief then bring natural therapies. They also help to reduce cortisone significantly. Klimatherapien, but also Radontherapien have proven in Heilstollen.

Cool wind provides relief
An effective stimulating climate can be found, for example, in the mountains. Here, cool air and high UV radiation as well as particularly clean, low-pollutant air at high altitudes help to improve the state of health. Cooling air in eczema relieves the tormenting itching and helps to break the itch-scratch spiral because the skin can regenerate. In the cool air of the body reacts with a narrowness of the small blood vessels and increased metabolic activity. The heat regulation is also trained.

People with atopic dermatitis should better wear garments made of smooth and finely woven materials such as cotton or viscose. This irritates the skin less. (Image: miamariam /

UV radiation makes you happy
In the high mountains, the sun is stronger than in the lowlands. Experts speak of the actinic active complex. "Unless sunburns are avoided, UV radiation has positive properties," explains PD Dr. med. Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and scientific director of the Gastein Heilstollen. "In addition, endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones, are released, which in many cases leads to an increase in well-being.

Pollen-free clean air relieves allergies
Another beneficial aspect in the mountains is the purity of the air. Little pollen and air pollutants especially help people with allergic atopic dermatitis. Scientists believe that the dust mite excrement is one of the most common causes of eczema. At altitudes of more than 1,500 meters, these mites do not exist due to the low humidity.

Radon and heat in the mountain have an effect on the immune system
In the interior of Bergen there is sometimes another effective climate. For example, in the Gasteiner Heilstollen, atopic dermatitis patients find the curative combination of radon-containing air and tropical climate. "Acquired via the skin and lungs, radon activates the body's own messenger substance TGF-beta, which has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect," says dr. Hölzl. Many patients report after a few applications on a significant reduction to the complete disappearance of the skin symptoms. High temperatures and humidity amplify the effects of radon.

Anyone who wants to use all these natural factors at the same time, should do so within the framework of a multi-week cure. For example, many patients report that after a treatment in the Gastein Valley, the tormenting itching subsides, cortisone can be discontinued and the skin heals sustainably.