Natural self-treatment for flu and colds

Natural self-treatment for flu and colds / Health News
With a strong immune system flu & colds counter
When it gets wet in the fall, when the dry cold in the coat collar pulls in the winter, when sneezing and Schnieflaute control the noise level in the public transport, when warnings and billboards give viruses and bacteria an oversized face, then at the latest we should ask ourselves as it is actually ordered to our body's immune system. Because it depends on him, whether we carry after the next tram ride a heavy flu, a one-week feverish infection (Grippaler infection), only a hint of cold or still best health. But how can we influence ourselves to support our immune system??

Natural self-treatment in case of a flu-like infection. Picture: drubig-photo - fotolia

The purpose of the human immune system is to protect us against the ingress of undesired microorganisms, in particular pathogenic viruses and bacteria. More recent research in the field of microbiology has shown that this process in turn innumerable strains of other bacteria, viruses and fungi are involved, which are tolerated in a kind of community and used, because they have, inter alia, an immunostimulating function. So colonize microorganisms skin and mucous membranes and protect them from infection. In addition, defense cells of the immune system communicate through messenger substances, produce antibodies, store and recognize the pathogens of stagnant infections in order to react immediately in case of renewed contact. A self-regulated and efficient defense system - as long as it is in a balanced state.

This balance becomes susceptible to e.g. by an early "learning disorder" of the immune system, in particular by a too germ-free environment in childhood, persistent nutritional errors (especially finished products) and hyperacidity, environmental toxins and heavy metal pollution, too little sleep and mental and physical overload (for example, conflicts, overwork, competitive sports). Excessive intake of antibiotics dispels the natural bacterial flora in the gut and promotes colonization, v.a. with mushrooms.

Measures to strengthen the immune system

- Already in childhood, the immune system should be trained by getting to know and store as many pathogens as possible. Excessive cleanliness with "sharp" and germicidal detergents weakens the immune system in the long term.

- A balanced, wholefood diet with plenty of untreated, fresh fruit, vegetables, cereals and vegetable fats, a moderate consumption of fish and cow's milk products, low meat and sausage products and the abandonment of industrially produced sugar and "white" flour ensures the absorption of all necessary nutrients , Vitamins and trace elements. This will ensure a balance of the acid-base balance, which should be supported by an at least greatly reduced consumption of tobacco and alcohol (best to abstain!).

- Equally important are sufficient sleep and stress relief, e.g. through self-hypnosis, yoga, tai-chi or meditation techniques. Regular exercise, ideally in the fresh air (jogging, cycling), provide the body with oxygen and prevents lack of light and associated mental upset (especially in winter).

- Among the small, daily measures with great effect include the "oil pulling" and nasal rinsing: The detoxifying "oil pulling" in the morning a tablespoon of cooking oil in the mouth pushed back and forth a few minutes and then spat out. The nasal rinsing cleanses and moisturizes the nasal mucous membranes, making germs more difficult to penetrate.

- One to two-yearly fasting and detoxification cures can be done alone or in groups under naturopathic guidance, regular sauna visits, alternating showers or Kneipp castings serve to harden.

- For temporary prevention, e.g. In hospitals, transport or schools, lozenges containing cystrophic drugs are suitable, which by mechanical action prevent the entry of viruses and bacteria into the cells (upper respiratory tract).

- Once we catch it, we can mitigate and shorten the course of the infection with the use of natural medicine. For this purpose, e.g. Preparations from the purple sunhat (Echinacea purpurea) or bee pollen (propolis) as well as microbiological preparations (probiotics). The appropriate medications can be determined and prescribed by a naturopath or a knowledgeable doctor. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, Hanover)