Natural sleep aid Lavender scent instead of harmful sleeping pills

Natural sleep aid Lavender scent instead of harmful sleeping pills / Health News

Aroma care: Lavender has a soothing effect and relieves pain

Lavender, Vanilla and Co: Natural flavors not only have a calming and relaxing effect, they can also relieve pain and help with disease. This is what health experts point out on the occasion of World Fragrance Day.

Essential oils not only for relaxation

Although essential oils are usually used to relax, aromatherapy can also relieve pain and help with disease. This is also known at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden. The clinic has long relied on natural flavors in its care. On World June 27th, the experts explain in a statement what fragrances are good for.

Lavender not only has a calming and relaxing effect, it also relieves pain. Aromatic care contains far more health-promoting substances. (Image: Kathrin39 /

Natural plant essences for the benefit of the patients

Quark wrap with essential oils, inhalations for respiratory stimulation or lavender room fragrance for sleep disorders - the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden uses natural plant essences for the benefit of the patients.

The so-called aroma care has been used for some time as a complementary care method. With the aim of promoting the physical and mental well-being of patients, natural plant essences in essential oils and vegetable oils are used - especially in seriously ill patients.

Especially in the intensive care units of the clinics for anesthetics and neurology as well as the medical clinics scents are used to alleviate anxiety, sleep disorders, pain or nausea, for example.

"With the aroma care we offer our patients a special form of care. The natural scents and essences of the plants and the oils derived from them support the healing process and promote the well-being of the patients, "says aroma expert Bianca Braune.

The nurse is a trained and medically certified expert in aroma care at the University Hospital.

Analgesic and soothing

For example, vanilla extract used in aromatic care works in many different ways - including analgesic and soothing, the experts explain.

The scent of red mandarin, on the other hand, promotes, among other things, the circulation and lymph drainage and digestion.

And lavender not only has a relaxing and soothing effect, it also relieves pain.

Fragrances or aromas can be used to treat complaints as well as the side effects of strong drugs, such as those used in cancer therapy.

In addition, specialists in aromatherapy can particularly promote the respiration of patients suffering from pneumonia or assist in the resolution of major bruising.

Aroma care is an important addition to traditional medical therapies

In the Aromapflege is worked with essential oils and vegetable oils. Essential oils are highly fragrant substances that are produced in different parts of plants.

They have a physical effect on the skin and mucous membrane and on the sense of smell on the autonomic and central nervous system.

The various uses include the scent of a room, washes and baths, pads and compresses, rubs and massages.

"Aromatherapy is an important addition to the diverse conventional medical therapies and is used in almost all clinics of the University Hospital Dresden at the request of patients," says Nursing Director Jana Luntz.

"This reduces the consumption of medicines and gives patients greater satisfaction," says the expert. (Ad)