Natural self-cleaning of the ears

Natural self-cleaning of the ears / Health News

Natural self-cleaning of the ears: cotton swabs, a threat to the eardrum


Popularly, the cotton swab is the earsticks. However, doctors warn against using the small, pointed hygiene items to clean the ears.

The ear cleans itself
The human body is usually able to cleanse the ears themselves. Tools such as cotton swabs, drops or sprays are therefore unnecessary. Joachim Wichmann, Vice President of the German Professional Association of Otolaryngologists, now warned that the rods are even harmful if used incorrectly. If the earwax in the ear canal becomes uncomfortable, the persons concerned should go to the ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) for a professional cleaning. Often, rinsing with body-warm water by the attending physician is enough. However, if you poke around with your own hands with a cotton swab, you push the unwanted secretion deeper into the ear canal, as it tapers inwards. Wichmann explains: „Try cleaning a funnel with a cotton swab. You only clog it.“ However, if the ear canal becomes obstructed, only the walk to the ENT specialist will help. With a cotton swab you pierce in the worst case even the eardrum. On the one hand this is very painful and on the other threatens a necessary operation, the hole should not grow again by itself.

Earwax serves for self-cleaning
The earwax is a body-own secretion, which serves the self-cleaning of the ears. Earwax is a yellowish-brown color with a bitter taste and is produced in specialized sebaceous glands of the external auditory meatus. It is composed of sweat gland secretions, hairs, sebum, dandruff and contaminants. The secretion is transported by fine hairs in the ear canal out to the outer ear. This can be easily and safely cleaned with lukewarm water and a washcloth. A cleansing should not go deeper.

Professional ear cleaning
But there are also people in whom the ear does not clean itself. This is the case, for example, with particularly crooked ear canals or swimmers and sometimes older people. Those affected should undergo regular professional ear cleaning. Wichmann said that some people resort to curious cleaning methods. So some would drill around with unfolded paper clips in the ear canal, which of course is an absolute taboo. Wichmann also strongly advises against a popular in Japan invention: an endoscope for ears. The user should use one hand to insert a pointed needle into his ear canal. In this needle is a tiny camera and with the other hand, a small monitor can be kept, showing exactly what it looks like in the ear. This would reduce the risk of hurting the eardrum. In recent years, ear candles, the so-called Hopi candles have become popular as a means of cleaning the ear canal. In naturopathy, the ear candling therapy is now part of the portfolio of many practices, but is mainly used for relaxation. It should bring relief for various complaints. However, there are no clinical studies on the effects of ear candling therapy. (Sb)